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09/26/11 3:32 PM

#13229 RE: vincen71 #13226

I think you're wrong!! Sorry, but we shall see.
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09/26/11 3:34 PM

#13232 RE: vincen71 #13226

Is that selling...

or shorting and MM's borrowing.

The fundamentals of the company will not allow itself to be held down. It is what it is...

The company is executing and the PPS will reflect that. Thats the way its supposed to work!!!
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09/26/11 4:02 PM

#13240 RE: vincen71 #13226

Well you did pretty good! I'm happy with this close. It's green again!! Go EGOC!!
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09/26/11 4:07 PM

#13248 RE: vincen71 #13226

We head further north tomorrow!