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09/24/11 10:36 PM

#93 RE: MadeBucksOnThis #92

from website:,%2BInc.%2522%2B-access%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rlz%3D1C1TSNJ_enUS440US440%26nord%3D1%26biw%3D1366%26bih%3D643%26prmd%3Divns

Besides operating its own diamond concessions, the active trading of raw (industrial) diamonds proved very lucrative. We have also, in a short time, a quality network managed to build, which gives us access to the appropriate parties in this trade. Because the return on these transactions, and other markets directly related to the volume of transactions, will increase its working capital Accres. On our current operations, we already made ??a profit of more than 10% achieved, however, profits up 15% per transaction is feasible. For this purpose the size of the transaction as said it should increase. By working effectively with each monthly transaction we grow our working capital, but by attracting external capital, this process can be significantly accelerated.

Accres will receive funds from the bond issue to come only used for the provision of "Trades". The procedure for these trades in a strictly defined protocol, including the world famous Kimberley Process. First, the value of rough diamonds determined by the specific characteristics and weight of the stones. For this purpose, laser guided measuring and weighing equipment. Based on the then current world market prices, the final value is determined. In the process then the goods transporters such as Brinks in custody. After payment by the carrier Accres delivers the goods at a predetermined location. In most cases, in Antwerp and Dubai, where we sell our rocks worldwide. Thereafter, repeat the procedure itself. After we receive the payment from our clients are the stones from custody released or transported further. Of course the stone during this entire process insured, against all common risks.

The current demand for rough diamonds can Accres the stones in most cases already sold on the basis of the visibility lists, before they are redeemed himself by Accres. This enables us beforehand assured of the success of the "trades" and the payment thereof.