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Santa Barbara Broker

09/22/11 8:48 PM

#101055 RE: mahatmapaul #101042

mahatmapaul...there comes a time in every serious scammer's life when they look around and the deck of cards they built their insane "business" with in order to have a place to hide and sell shares has suddenly collapsed. JD Brown and Glenn Harrs hit the "wall" I estimate some time around the middle of July when it finally became apparent that Expo Holdings, Inc. was doomed. The silence is actually easy to explain. When you have people like JD Brown who are operating inside a cocooned reality of what could possibly be sociopathic behavior, they don't see what is happening. Even when their world is in the process of burning down around them they can still remain very gregarious and outgoing. Acting like absolutely nothing whatsoever is wrong at all. Brown never realized his actions would have consequences until very recently because he seemed to have mesmerized himself into believing he was this hillbilly Messiah...seeing himself as a rural community leader and deeply pious person who could do no wrong. That he knew more than others, therefore he was deserving of more than others. That he was above the law because what he was doing was good...and it would somehow always be justified in the end. He was charitable so therefore the more money he made, the more he could give to "charity". This made even breaking "man's laws" OK, because the end result was good not bad...he was maintaining his own special brand of moral force behind these "irrelevent illegalities" and it would never get out of control due to his superior intellect and carefully controlling steady hand. He had "an insight" that few others possessed. The attitude is the height of hubris and arrogance and you will find this type of behavior inherent in every scamming pink sheet and OTC dirtbag you ever run into.

There is a name for Brown's behavior is called a "Messianic complex". It occurs in people who become so enamored at the sound of their own voice and psuedo-intellects they begin to deem themselves above the laws of man because they alone know whether or not what they are doing should be immoral or illegal. How the law reads is irrelevent to them, only their own skewed "intent". JD Brown is just such a person and when reality finally burst through those psychological walls of arrogance and hubris and it became obvious Expo Holdings, Inc. was caving in around assured. He was more surprised than anyone here. He is still probably in denial. I believe Harrs, who has likely more or less been along for the ride on this since day one, finally became the one still grounded and frightened enough to pull the plug permanently. Partly because how far over the rainbow Brown had gone (IMHO) became undeniable and partly because Harrs is the acting CEO of Expo Holdings and could be looking at jail time if he doesn't shut down the floating crap game before the Feds do it for him.

So to answer your question, when reality finally dawned on the Messianic half of the team and he saw the incredibly deep pile of kuhcanola he was in right up to his disturbed neck, he clammed up and went into a silent depression. He probably is out driving around with his wife somewhere, but it's is far more likely they are just avoiding the situation than making "sales calls 24/5". While I don't feel sorry for Harrs, he probably had less to do with the (alleged) criminal decisions than Brown and of the two, he is very likely the far less capable "operator" from a number of aspects. But you can be certain he's not nearly as depressed as he is scared ****less. So, I wouldn't expect to hear much from the N Wilkesboro braintrust at all anymore. For anyone who actually knows what was and is going on, they know everything at Expo Holdings pretty much folded up and died around July 15, 2011. And for any who still believe they are building cabinets and doing business gangbusters...well, thats just very sad. Very sad and particularly pathetic at this point. All the above total speculation and IMHO.