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09/18/11 2:05 AM

#8076 RE: jbsliverer #8074

Eloquently explained, sir.

I've seen the etrade baby vid viewing sufficed!! LOL.

There should be a Bagholder's Anonymous meeting place ...



CRWV is a tailor made "Buyer Beware" stock....


09/18/11 2:16 AM

#8080 RE: jbsliverer #8074

Unfortunately, the outrageousness of their claims ironically makes them more believable. I think it was Hitler or one of the top Nazis that said the bigger the lie, the easier the sell. cuz average folk only tell little lies, so it's hard for them to believe that someone would tell a huge lie ( like Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld on 9/11)

That's what is convincing me that this may indeed be the real deal, cuz who in their right mind would have the audacity to make such claims knowing they were false???!!! And don't try to tell me that there wouldn't be any consequences for the people involved here if this whole thing is just an outright blatant fraud,,,but you and your crew would know better than I. I'm not into researching scam stocks,,just looking for opps to profit.

risk on

09/18/11 11:30 AM

#8097 RE: jbsliverer #8074

Only a loss if you sell for one