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09/18/11 2:52 AM

#8086 RE: ILLEAGLE2 #8080

"the principle & which is quite true in itself & that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily,"
Adolf Hitler

The original quote has somewhat been misquoted and diminished over the years to "The bigger the lie, the more it will be believed."

Hitler only realized it and used it, but it is as old as man itself. So do pinky P&D's know it, and use that very same theory against the "broad masses" for their ill gotten gains and greed, nothing new or exceptional.

Just one of many red flags of CRWV, but a pretty big one.


09/18/11 11:55 AM

#8099 RE: ILLEAGLE2 #8080

I find it most interesting that so many have been stating that the potential claim value is rediculous, even going so far as to call it a scam over and over however if you do the math on the volume of ore available and cost of gold today it is plausible and realistic.

I'm very glad that many here have been willing to do the math and share that with everyone.
Great DD guys.

I had a dream last night about those giant earth moving trucks!

janice shell

09/18/11 5:42 PM

#8183 RE: ILLEAGLE2 #8080

That's what is convincing me that this may indeed be the real deal, cuz who in their right mind would have the audacity to make such claims knowing they were false???!!!

Any one of about a hundred penny stocks I can think of.


09/18/11 5:55 PM

#8184 RE: ILLEAGLE2 #8080

Look at what happened to Bre-x. They salted their core samples, their stock went to over $200 per share (split adjusted), but when it was discovered, all hell broke loose. One of their people commited suicide by jumping from a helicopter, their stock tanked horribly, and now they're essentially a non-entity.

Who in their right mind would try to pull such a scam again. Lives would be destroyed over it.