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09/15/11 6:40 PM

#335337 RE: wamuvoodoo #335336

Shes not ready to do that yet, shes hoping for settlement.
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09/15/11 6:44 PM

#335339 RE: wamuvoodoo #335336

IMHO the Judge KNOWS the "NUMBER" Mr "S" wants.....The Judge KNOWS the evidence Mr "S" has.....The Judge KNOWS the time frame.....and The Judge KNOWS TIME is just about UP.....Tic TOC
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09/15/11 6:45 PM

#335341 RE: wamuvoodoo #335336

Voo -- what ruling, regarding the hedge funds, was she asked to make that she didn't?

You lost me.

The only one I remember was the EC asking for permission to go after the HFs, she granted it.

But as far as "just rule against the bad guys" -- she can't, not yet. Nobody's come forward with sufficient info for her to do that.

Sufficient for you. Yes. Sufficient for me, yes. Sufficient for the court to apply law. No. The Hedgies have to have their day in court to defend a specific allegation and a specific result. That's the way the court system works.

Nor an adversary proceeding that's ripe for a decision in that fashion.

Even the criminal, caught on video tape, holding the gun -- has to have a trial. No such specific trial of the SNHs has occurred.

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09/16/11 6:05 AM

#335403 RE: wamuvoodoo #335336

Voo: she cannot - cannot - rule against the bad guys yet, at least not all four. There are procedural requirements that must be satisfied and there is not enough evidence yet to justify a ruling against all four.

She could have just authorized the EC to just go ahead and do full blown discovery against all four and start preparing for a trial of the IT issue, but that would be the longer road to nirvana. Instead of taking the longer road, she is giving the shorter road a chance. She pushed them into mediation, while putting quite a few shots across the bows of the hedgies indicating that if this mediation fails she will authorize full blown discovery against all four and prepare for trial with a clear - in my mind - indication that she is leaning toward disallowing their claims entire if it comes to that.

BTW, I don't think she is scared to rule against the hedgies or anyone else. Quite the contrary, I think she is actually threatening them to come to terms with the EC or face the wrath of Walrath.