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09/13/11 8:46 AM

#15158 RE: janice shell #15157

You must be talking about this section from the last article abuse of law blog entry:

"As coincidental consistencies continued, our effortless Google search continued to reveal that along with “budos pecsa” being an obvious enthusiast, if not George Sharp himself, this blog poster also seems to have several affiliated parties with similar posting styles which have obtained the same pre-launched articles. Blog posters such as Janice Shell, NoDummy and others, ironically post information (mostly negative) on companies listed on . They have even gone so far as to create their own DD (Due Diligence) board on iHub: which by our account also talks about companies featured on the site.

Seems a little paranoid to just assume that anybody that takes the time to independently research a company that was also mentioned in a pumpsanddumps article must be connected to George Sharp.

Hopefully abuse of law does a little research to see how absurd of an assumption that is. I would be surprised if I have even looked at 1/4 of the companies that pumpsanddumps has even written about or if even 1/4 of the companies that pumpsanddumps has written about have been researched on this forum.

It was another poster that linked the CRWV pumpsanddumps article to this forum. I recall that I found the information written in the article about the preferred shares to be incomplete and pointed that out. I also found the article to be missing other important information from the filings about the convertible debt Note and pointed that out.

Actually until the abuse of law article revealing that they believe George Sharp is the person behind the pumpsanddumps website, I had never even actually read the pumpsanddumps blog site. I had only read the articles that other people had linked to this forum. Coincidentally, I had never read the abuseoflaw blog site before that either.

It's cute though how abuse of law does spend so much time researching George Sharp and how they think everybody that critiques their work must somehow be connected to George Sharp or at the very least a fan of George Sharp.

I am definitely not a fan of George Sharp. Don't know him at all. For all I know Sharp invests in companies he knows are frauds with the premeditated plan of suing them before he even buys his first share. He may even buy his shares at the very front end of a paid promotion knowing that most highly paid promotions end up being pump&dumps often times done so that insiders can dump shares ultimately hurting far more investors than they help. While the promotional campaign is going on he does his part to expose the fraud in the pumpsanddumps blog (if he is indeed the person running that blog site) maybe even shorting the same stocks he has exposed then files a lawsuit against the company for being the fraud companies he already knew they were before he bought his first share. I really don't know nor do I care. My focus is on penny stock companies. I will follow the FXIT / George Sharp case because it is interesting.

I can read a piece written by and look at the information provided - do my own research to verify the accuracy of the information and then build on it all without any concern about who the author is. Fraud is fraud - doesn't matter who helps expose it. The important thing is that the information is out there for investors to read and consider when making their investment decisions.

It is wrong for people (officers, directors, insiders, etc) to abuse the law and commit fraud to line their own pockets at the expense of mostly unsophisticated penny stock investors. The penny stock world is littered with misleading press releases, misleading paid promotional newsletters, companies that do not do proper filings and disclosure, and false information. Good honest due diligence in the penny stock world is sorely lacking. It is because of all the reasons mentioned in this paragraph that this forum exists.

If abuseoflaw really is about protecting investors and exposing law breakers then I would think that they would appreciate a forum like this one that offers completely compensation free information and opinions at absolutely no cost to anybody that wants to read it. I know I personally give up a lot of my free time to do the research I do and share the information I share and I've never made even a penny for that time.