GMND--Major Play at 1 penny-40 million shares in float-100 mil OS Financials for 4 years just done. EMXC bought shares in GMND -see EMXC July 15 news.
Water purification studies for who? Chesepeake Energy or Range Resources for 'frac' the shale to get natural gas. That's it. Next week everyone in the USA will be talking about the massive flooding of the Susquehanna River( 1st time in 40 years this bad) and the levees were overflowed to. Wilkes_Barre was eveacuated. The Beach Haven oil terminal site at this river and is into this bigger than anyone else in Pennsylvania. GMND has an exclusive deal with this terminal and when all the news is out we will also see that there is a JV revenue deal as well. That is why EMXC got a piece of the action in GMND.
I am accumulating. The PR will explode this baby real soon.