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09/09/11 12:06 PM

#30055 RE: ZincFinger #30049

it is you are saying the mr Kim say the silk were viable not the are 100 percent incorrect.

I think the actual question asked to mr Kim were regards to cost effectiveness, and mr Kim reply how much silk the monster silk worm produce, 1 half of a mile per cocoon. why would mr Kim explain factors of this worm if he were not talking about this worm?

obviously the hybrid monster are bigger cocoon so the thread are more than 1/2 of mile per cocoons now. so the hybrid are even most cost effective.

he also say, product in lab right now are suitable for textile market. Monsters hybrid were not in the lab yet, monsters hybrid is a stronger more and flexible silk, so it are not the same.

Every person who disagree with you is "wrong", ten people tell you are incorrect and you tell ten people they are incorrect.

only you are claiming the hybrid worm were necessary, will you answer to me or not where i am to find proof of this, either publics document or from mr Kim.

you can talk onto me however you wish, i care not, I make very large money in the stocks market now, several business success, large charity donation, so go please make enemy out of me and any person who ask the reasonable question.

the dr


09/09/11 12:48 PM

#30058 RE: ZincFinger #30049

kraig labs were not able to issue any share to clam seas capital until the s1 ewere effective, thank my advisor for this information.

there were only a single money withdrawl at a low price since the first effective s1, it may have been to the clams seas it may have been to another person

On July 21, 2010, the Company issued 1,875,000 shares of common stock for $15,000 ($0.008/share).

On September 10, 2010, the Company issued 1,351,351 shares of common stock for $20,000 ($0.0148/share).

the next one were on september tenth, and on history records show the share price were much higher than 1 penny by then.

the dr