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09/08/11 11:43 AM

#234537 RE: diamondtech #234535

I wish she'd spend her time selling our product as opposed to spending time talking about our competitors success.


09/08/11 11:50 AM

#234539 RE: diamondtech #234535

So Laura whose got the expertise on the subject of building Shareholder Value at Neomedia? George?

Laura perhaps some changes need to be made at Neomedia ..
for someone that has expertise on the subject of barcodes, I see little value if any being added to neomedia or its shareholder base. I see no new hiree's only people being let go

So who's running the sales department these days? Is it George has well?

Whose running the IP negotations these days ? Is George running that too?

where's Management while our pps tanks..

Why haven't we had a PR stating were doing a promo with quarker oats.. Is George to busy .. while he prints more shares for his master YA..

Wow what a Business..Then people wonder why the ecomony is in such a bad state of affairs. look at how neomedia is run.

Print shares and dilute ,forget about sales and sharehodler value and growth