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09/01/11 5:18 PM

#23665 RE: MidtownMan #23663

problem is, not everyone has (had) to "buy" their shares on the open market, like us schmucks.......

where do you think those millions of shares Schwartz had (and then used for his "loan collateral", which tanked the stock) came from???? you think he acquired them on the open market???.....or from a "great woman behind every man"????

round and round it goes, where it stops, nobody knows!!!!......who would have thunk it!!!!.....for all the cheers lately, the Co is not even back to the vampire levels of .084 given to DB (actually much less when all the interest was factored in for the almost literal "sweet-heart loans")

technoman180 Post# 47980 Thursday June 1, 2006 11:53 PM

Gator your posts are completely accurate. She had vision and obviously backed management. I will tell you this also. She was at the tom's river site, town hall, and njeda. I will tell you this she is the huge financial backer for patrick herda. From what I see, anything that herda needs she will deliver. She was one of the people who spoke at the njeda meeting on behalf of nsol and FFI.

Think about this. FFI has obviously been around for well over 2 years now. From the njeda meeting it looks like about 3 years this november. WHO?? WHO?? was the financial backer for all of this time for FFI. I wonder who?? Any ideas?? Behind every great man is a great woman!!!!

Enough Said.

PS: even more "hilarious".....the PP offer, to be funded by selling the stock!!!! legit!!!

(hard to make this stuff up)
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09/01/11 5:45 PM

#23667 RE: MidtownMan #23663

Its simple my friend... The haters/whiners are here because they will not accept that they made some trades that FAILED. As most people or a professional trader would do, is just walk away and learn from that mistake. What good does it do to sit around with your tail in between your legs and cry about it everyday! Seriously, what are you acually accomplishing? Think about it.

Every single stock down here is a risk. Every CEO down here is a risk. Did they not know this when they pushed the BUY button? Guys, I suggest you try and be men, and stop crying,stop trying to influence new investors, stop the public bashing, and just walk away and save face. It sucked, you lost money, sucks, welcome to Americas biggest scam in history, wall street.

Plain and simple, is there money to be made in the trade? Is there a catalyst? I would say yes in a big f'ing way.

NSOL =cha-Ching

I'm sure this post will not help these people, but I feel better I got it off my chest and offered my advise. Life is too dawn short, shorter than most of you/me realize.

Good luck all!