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08/31/11 10:34 AM

#4905 RE: ombowstring #4904

ombow: Your views are shaped by being a liberal living in a liberal state. Everyone you know in Mass probably voted for Obama.
The whole eastern corridor worships Democrats and reelcts them no matter what. Drive a car off a bridge to Chappaquiddick Island and kill a young girl who SUFFOCATED in the car (found without underwear by the way) and you get to serve another 40 years in the Senate, spending other people's money.
Be a tax evader with a rental property in the Caribbean, rent it for 17 years and never declare the income, violate your lease on a rent controlled property to utilize it as a campaign office, use your Congressional letterhead to solicit money for a private college (named after you of course), and get reprimanded by your peers in a 9:1 vote..and your reelction is assured if you're a Democrat.
Again from your neck of the woods, you can be a Congressman with a gay lover operating a prostitution ring out of your apartment, block any investigation into Fannie and Freddie until they help to bring down our financial system, take private jet flights to the Virgin Islands from a company that got $200 Million in bail out money..and you can remain Congressman for life if you're a Democrat in a state like Massachussets.
I could name dozens of other examples but you get the drift. As for Hillary she'd sacrifice her first grandchild on an alter to big government to become President. The Clintons don't even like each other very much. What they love is power. If she can be convinced that Obama is vulnerable and the party elders urge her to run...she'd challenge Obama in a heartbeat. She doesn't like Obama that much.
As for viewing the "tea party" as being discredited by "anyone with a sound mind"...that is just the Democrat/liberal echo chamber that exists in the Northeast corridor and the left coast. Tea party ideas like living within your means instead of destroying the financial viability of the country by borrowing or printing Trillions to waste on pork and government union jobs have not been discredited by anyone with an open mind. What the tea party does is make sense. You personally could not spend 38% more than you earned for year after year, pay off your credit cards with other newly opened credit cards, etc. without going bankrupt. So why can a country do it? It would seem that the sound minds you mention would be more attuned to fiscal sanity instead of spending money we can't ever repay to saddle future generations to debt punery. As I've said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Keynesian economics does not work. It has never worked. And it hasn't worked since we did Keynesian policies on steroids since 2008. Yet we are being told that the government must spend more because the problem was that the $4.5 Trillion borrowed and $2 Trillion we printed were not enough. All I can say is thank God for the Tea Party. They are probably the only thing blocking the government's ability to completely destroy the country. But what do I know, I live in Texas where we all own guns and take care of our own. And Perry is not my first choice for President, but my two favorites are choosing not to run (Paul Ryan and Marco Rubio). But Perry has had actual success as a chief executive. He has served for 10 years in Texas and never once voted "present". You can continue to revere your "Chance Gardner" president, the most clueless President since Jimmy Carter. A perfect juxtaposition regarding our political parties: Jimmy Carter was scared to death by rabbit....Rick Perry took out his handgun and shot a coyote that threatened his dog. Case closed.
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08/31/11 10:49 AM

#4906 RE: ombowstring #4904

Perry is the globalists "tea party" candidate. He will talk the talk, but not do the walk. He is an insurance policy for the globalists. If the TP gains any more traction, they could use Perry to split the vote in thirds: Obama, Romney and Perry. All options are fine with the globalists. All three are their puppets.

They would fear Ron Paul, or Gary Johnson. Neither one will be allowed media coverage. But, in the unlikely event that either of these two should acheive the office, they can always crank up the CIA assassination machine, and install their emergency puppet. Check mate.