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08/29/11 3:07 PM

#11328 RE: jammerr #11327

Most of us bought this early on because of the idea, not because of the demand of the product and there is no supply yet. Couldn't it just be as simple as we paid to much to soon?

..There will always be a yardstick to measure and evaluate how much a company is worth!.Here how could you have paid much when you bought way below par level?..we are way down par value 0.025 and intellectual appraisal value of 0.031!.When many investors bought in the would have gone higher but for the unexpected and shocking manipulations with a brand new infant company which was getting a foothold!..but after the unfortunate incident many including myself were forced to average down.. time and again..why?..because the manipulations are still on but getting weaker while buys are slowly getting stronger..infact many are waiting for this to go down just that bit where they can load heavy!.The manipulators know this hence they are not giving away too cheap but are trapping us in a narrow zone of daily trading!.

When the Idea becomes a product and hits the Market ..this will not be where it is..might be in dollars!.Just a matter of 8 months during which lot of things can happen..other than strong investors..Official release of the partnership news..etc...and as we get closer to production date the frenzy will start....

D shares cost a dollar now when the common shares cost just a cent thats interesting too ..
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08/29/11 3:28 PM

#11329 RE: jammerr #11327

But then trading is always like that..there will be manipulations in the form of MM'S or shorts..or others who want to load cheap..which causes panic and depression and the predictable downslide of the PPS..but then there is the other side of the coin when the Stock retraces on buying,good news,solid products or just because the MM's have fancied this time to let this run after a long time!..and when it runs there would short covering ..if there are any shorts ..that adds to the speed of the breakout when it happens further encouraged by the small float and sparce shares later in the market!.
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08/29/11 3:45 PM

#11330 RE: jammerr #11327

Hey Jammerr, hope all is well.. I had some shares dividended to me but my purchasing came on the .03 average. Which now it frustrates me because there are still some things i cant quite put my finger on as to why it is staying so low ,,understand the dips,but should have at least gotten to .015 to .02 spread .
Still so much variation in reasoning as to why from so many its just a little frustrating.

Like buying insurance on a cell phone ,i passed up again on buying some patience when getting in and realizing thats going to be key.. PATIENCE
I seem to do well on my patience on the amount i set aside for long play. I put it in what i call my PHAR01k or any stock im in. I determine amount going to put in a stock and 80% is going to stay in MY SET LIMIT ORDER ON PHAR01K. I then, IF progress is better than my original benchmark evaluations, the limit set sale price i will adjust, and/or adjust length of time to hold. Other than that I act like its not there. Not so impatient there. Its that 20% that i want to see movement forward on ,not a 66% loss this early . This is where i should have bought some of the PATIENCE insurance.

Just as you are saying,,I know without question its going to take revenue, plain and simple, i was hoping pace OR news more often on pace and progress would boost my confidence. We seem to get some news but not influential to market movement on its own merit... I dont load up on cheaps after i have commited on my strict dollar input know matter if it goes below whale poop on ocean floor. THE only way i would if i see benchmarks and questions answered to my satisfaction, because its the only way ive found NOT to blame anyone else. And when i see as wide a variation in emotion, as well as reasoning why on such a solid product is not drawing buying power on the board posting, i always advise myself, DD until all facts needed for your satisfaction are found,, not spoken to you..
Take care JAMMERR and if you have any PATIENCE shares you can sell me cheap i will greatly appreciate
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08/29/11 3:48 PM

#11331 RE: jammerr #11327

Well lets put it this way. We may be paying too soon as you say, but the real choice is whether you pay .01 for your shares now or wait until significant news comes out and pay three, four or more times the current price. Do you feel comfortable sitting this thing out on a boatload of shares you paid for at rock bottom, or would you sleep better having waited until news moved the share price and paid for those shares in higher multiples. That's the choices as I see it on this stock.
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08/29/11 3:53 PM

#11332 RE: jammerr #11327

Some say this is where it belongs when it is going down..or when it is going up..but who defines the value of a company's PPS?..Is it the MM"S or the Shorts ..or the others with different reason to influence the PPS?... why should it belong to where it is driven viciously down to instead of the Par value and appraisal value?.People talk about bottoms..we can only see bottoms after the buying pressure takes us out of it and gives us a bird's eye view of where we lingered for so long (The Bottom)!.

I agree with Backstabbed when he stated that a stock normally trades 4-5 times its value in the market with good products...I understand that a lot of investors have gotten used to the idea of sitting in this depressing hole and can't imagine out of it..but things happen..even the company must be pissed with this !lol!..Things will really ,really start happening soon!.Meanwhile I load and hold for tommorrow's Gold!.

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08/29/11 5:29 PM

#11334 RE: jammerr #11327

Hey, JAMMERR, I may as well join in and put my .02, too.

I am guessing that I did pay too much too soon, that is why I have been trying to average down while this has been at the bargain basement level.

Very good point that many of us bought in on an idea, and not a product yet. I did so because the stock movement seemed to support that choice and I projected the liquidity to continue. I was wrong.

As far as VALUE is concerned, the main value that PHAR has, IMO, is only book value. That book value IS ENOUGH for me to keep buying as I can - but PHAR has always moved well on volume and more people have to buy into the idea for the pps to move significantly.

I would agree that a trading range of 4-5 times value would be a reasonable expectation for most PennyLand stocks...but there also needs to be A REASON FOR VOLUME TO INCREASE. We have seen that this small float reacts to very small pressure - and that can be good and bad.

To me, the bright side is the trip Mr. Phykitt will be making to the doctor groups. For me, it will be the 'litmus test' to know if I should stay in or pull out and move on. If doctors can't be convinced to invest, the future of Aquaprin may be very gloomy.

I DON'T THINK THIS WILL BE THE CASE, and all of my PHAR eggs are in this one 'trip' basket. This is the 'coming out party' for PHAR and the reaction to how Aquaprin 'looks in her first evening gown' is vital, IMO.

I think the complete first round of Preferred Funding needs to be met as a result of this trip - I'm not saying the day the tour is over, but within a month, anyway. Once that is completed, I am looking forward to a 'secondary tier' of investors who may buy commons, causing the pps to rise. In comparison to the medical community, I am nobody - and I have seen 10 of my friends invest in PHAR after their own DD. I can only imagine what the influence of a doctor may do to investors, mentioning it at a party, on a golf course, in an elevator, etc. This is what I am hoping for and what I expect to happen by Christmas.

...Just my philosophical speculations which really don't mean a thing.

All The Best