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08/28/11 6:42 PM

#332213 RE: Big Paper Pancakes #332089

its funny to me that here we have a valid case, and it is looking impossible for us to be compensated, whereas some lady who spills hot coffee on her self can be rewarded millions in the same court system! what has America become?

Settle this with us already JPM!

Settle this?!

Nah . . . I'd much rather that JPMC drag this out a little longer so that they can compare the ULTIMATE COST to cost that they could've settled this early on.

Sorta like the $25 million dollars that the Insider Trading Hedge Fund Owl CROOK, and its "partners in crime," were trying to buy us off with back in May (to stop INVESTIGATING them), under the proposed POR 7 that the D!CKH3AD (aka, BR of WGM), so confidently announced in court:

"We are very, very close to a settlement your honor. Just a few minor details to hammer out. Oh, and don't forget, S&G is 'IN FULL AGREEMENT' with us that nobody has 'uncovered' (wink, wink), any evidence of any 'wrong-doing' (including INSIDER TRADING by any of the SETTLEMENT Noteholding Insider Trading Hedge Funds (that are MOST CERTAINLY NOT MY CLIENTS - I just wanna look out for their interests - I figure so long as I'm not representing the company and its owners that hired me, I might as well represent SOMEBODY). And ignore the fact that the depositions hadn't started, and that once they begin, all these guys will be heavily coached into 'forgetting' key important facts."

Susman, Folse and the rest of the S&G firm must've been laughing their A$$3$ off, as they were listening to the in on the hearing via telephone, as this D!CKH3AD just kept talking, giving them more and more rope to later hang him with. These guys aren't good - THEY'RE GREAT!

I'd imagine that the SETTLEMENT Note Holding Funds (Owl CROOK), et al., are thinking that even a $250 Million Dollar Hush Money SETTLEMENT is looking insanely cheap right about now!

How cheap would that have been compared to the Equitable Subordination losses that they're now facing? $500 Million?

How cheap would that be compared to the money that their Investors will yanking from these "CROOKED" Insider Trading Hedge Funds? $1 Billion?

How cheap would that be compared to their losses of freedom for the rest of their natural lives, living like CAGED ANIMALS?

They could always ask Raj Rajaratnam. He can tell him, that in hindsight, SETTLING would've been SO MUCH cheaper.

Even better than SETTLING would be not to have gotten caught. Even better than not getting caught would have been not getting TOO GREEDY. Even better than not being TOO GREEDY would have been to have had an EHICAL WALL in place, but that would have required too much effort . . . and at least a little bit of ETHICS. It certainly would have required more than the half-completed $150,000 "Get Smart 'Cone of Silence'" that was bragged about during the Confirmation Hearing in July.

Man, I would love to be a fly on the wall, listening to these CROOKS ask, beg, plead, cry to their legal counsel, wanting to know how they can get out of this alive!

Reminds me so much of the scene in "The Godfather," when Sal Tessio (Abe Vigoda), seeing his impending EXECUTION, asks (attorney) Tom Hagen (Robert Duvall), to tell Michael (Al Pacino) that "it was nothing personal, it was just business." He then asks, pathetically, if Hagen can "get me off the hook? . . . For old times sake," to which Hagen replies:

"Can't do it, Sally."