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08/24/11 1:43 PM

#9576 RE: tigerpac #9573

I'm glad for this change, company is now run by majority shareholders with a vested interest in seeing PPS go up. Hopefully their huge share count will be motivation enough to kick start this machine


08/24/11 1:45 PM

#9577 RE: tigerpac #9573

I have to agree with you tigerpac. Vince received a lot of commendation for being the driving force behind this company, and as such, interest and investment in this stock.

Having worked in upper management for quite a few years, this PR is kind of interesting. You don't really walk in one day and have the board turn on you and toss you out. There must of been other things going on, and this was the straw that broke the camel's back. Or at least, this is the hill they decided they would be willing to die on.

Will be an interesting journey for the next few days. IMO, this new CEO is going to have to make some impressive waves very soon in order to keep the Vince faithful holding onto their shares.


08/24/11 1:50 PM

#9582 RE: tigerpac #9573

I was not criticizing Vince for his past efforts in getting the company moving in the right direction. Only, that based on the 8K, it looks as if he tried to do an end around the existing board. Which IMO is never a good thing for a company nor it's PPS. I have to only wonder what his motives were and hopefully those will be released in a PR. Another poster mentioned the 2 people he tried to put on the board are associated with stock promotions so, if true, maybe Vince was going to try to pump up the PPS. IDK just my opinion.


08/24/11 1:51 PM

#9584 RE: tigerpac #9573

tigerpac,, Thanks for posting that. I totally agree!! Vince did what he need to do to get this going, and now I don't think the word Fired is a good Word. I think Relieved is a better one. Even though Vince has and knows the connections, ( and I know that for a fact), the people in there now, are those that knows how to change things. Again, I don't know if that meeting and vote is really legal or not with the bylaws, but "IF" it is, I am looking at this as a major move forward in moving the company UP the ladder for success. I also don't think the shares that was traded was from those three that was dismissed. I believe ABAA had a hand in some illegal activity. We haven't seen any forms filed for selling the shares.. Also, Sylvia, I believe could of been something like relieved for other relations that she could be associated with making here not suited to be on the board anymore.(Conflict of Interest???) Again, I am NOT worried here. Not SELLing.