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06/12/05 5:54 PM

#113291 RE: Hardball #113285

Hardball Great , you’re a friend of Joel, last I remember about Joel, he and Blueskywaves were doing the very thing that Corpbuyer did. Ironic, isn’t it.

RE: There's a name for that. Paranoia.

So is thinking everybody is out to get you,

RE: So now I've gotten my friend in trouble two places.

What possible trouble is he in? Geez he hasn’t even been here in 2 years. What are you talking about. What trouble?

But I’m more troubled by what follows with your words.

“ I'm sending these posts to him. He's an attorney”

Which posts are you sending?

Followed by

Your statement “There is more than one person who disagrees with the lunatic conspiracy theories here too”


Your statement “ There is a group of people that disagree with their lunatic conspiracy theories”

Lunatic conspiracy, what conspiracy do you refer? What group do you refer to, are you the involved with this group that you mention? If so what place do you serve? And most importantly what is this group you refer too doing about said conspiracy?

As an individual investor I always get interested when I here the word “groups” mentioned on message boards.

Bold statements are your part, you have my attention.


06/13/05 2:05 AM

#113318 RE: Hardball #113285

OT Hardball bottom line, what was your alias on Raging Bull, funny how you can't answer that simple question

Listen Aaron, I never asked for you real name or address, so stop lying, although anyone can easily find it using Your fault for using your last name on your email address. For future reference, since you are so into threats, I would change your email address to something more anonymous.

By the way send all of my posts to your attorney, number one I have not said anything that is illegal, number two even if I did I use, so have fun finding out my ip address.

You can't answer what your alias was on Raging Bull, yet you cry for people to believe what you say here

I never said you were Billy Joel, so why are you making that up, I simply said that according to Google you have a history of posting under different aliases on other newsgroups. I find it too funny that other newsgroups have accused you of posting under other aliases, that is called a pattern, and the even funnier thing is you blame it on a neurological disease, so what is the cause here

You just sound desperate, I could care less who you are, it is all meaningless, when real news hits, there is not one poster here who is going to stop the share price from going up, it is obvious you are hiding something and I find that funny, so keep on rambling, nobody here cares about your whining, I just pointed out some facts,

first fact is you won't admit your old RB handle, second fact is other newsgroups have accused you of posting under different aliases