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08/23/11 10:06 AM

#18770 RE: fastpathguru #18769

I am happy and hopeful that the SLR will go to the Salt in October and to NASA in Sept. I hope this engine is ready for its runs.

now invest

08/24/11 6:54 AM

#18774 RE: fastpathguru #18769

Hey, I agree... we are cash strapped, and should be GETTING THE ORDERS OUT!!!! Stop with the PR work.. yep would be nice to show it works... BUT IF RAYTHEON PUTS ANOTHER REAL ORDER IN LOTS OF HEADS WILL LOOK IN OUR DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And it is money coming in VS. going out..

I hear New products, expand the place, hire new people!!!! I WANT TO HEAR MORE ORDERS!!! MORE MONEY COMING IN!!!

We supposedly have the patents so we don't have to SPEND ALL OUR MONEY looking at new products and RISK NEVER BEING SUCCESSFUL when we have orders on the block right now !!

We should be more concern with managing the CASH FLOW!!!! RATHER THAN PROVE TO THE WORLD THAT WE CAN DRIVE FAST!!

OH... this is BUSINESS 101 Not to over extent the company!!!!