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08/22/11 10:27 AM

#42875 RE: Blue12 #42867

Very well put, Blue, and you're absolutely right. The very tank of gasoline on a vehicle is more volatile than any residual hydrogen gas that may linger. Love your comparison to a propane grill, that's spot on as well. Really, some of the posts by "Lord Valdemort" border on the absolute rediculous.

Looking for some good stuff soon out of HLNT-Land. I have the patience and the time.....let's get it on!



08/22/11 11:09 AM

#42880 RE: Blue12 #42867


Your post is partly true. Any hyrogen gas in it's hho form that is injected into a gasoline combustion engine will burn complete and actually burn nthe gasoline present more completely. The result is less emissions from unburned gasoline and added btu's from the hho. I have an extensive background in fuel evaluations and know what hho can ans can't accomplish. So that is the positive effect of adding hho to the combustion of gasoline, diesel or any other fuel.

If you add hydrogen gas though the air intake you will reduce emissions but will continue to get the exact same gasoline consumption numbers as prior to the hho enjection unless you change the factory ECU settings for air/fuel ratio which is usually 14.7/1. Therein lies your problem and is why HLNT will fail. EPA, auto manufacturers and insurance companies will not allow you to change those stock settings. Look back at my posts from over a year ago and read it again where I stated the same then.

The only way a company or idividual will have any listening ear in this circle is to buils an hho injected engine from the ground up. Correct materials and ECU settings and failsafes is the only path that even has a remote chance. Hense my sgvise long ago to hook up with an engine/ECU manufacturer.

HLNT was created by fraud felons and failed businessmen because they could use some buzz words and jump on the hydrogen gas bandwagon in an attempt to drive a public pps. That would give them the license to create shares for themselves based on their smoke and mirrors despite a total lack of knowledge. In addition there are hundreds of cheap add on after market hho electrolysis units for sale on the net. All do the same thing, produce hho through simple electrolysis. For HLNT and any supporters to pretend this is unique to HLNT is a blatant lie.

Now take a look at the failed public companies that attempted the same smoke and mirrors hho game. All failed. There will be no fleet deals or grants with the HLNT approach, only the usual failure. Anyone who invests in a company with this no chance business model is crazy in my opinion and will lose their invested funds. Those are the facts folks. Now look at the individuals who created this scam and their backgrounds. All deception and failure. Some smart individuals could promote hho as a fuel if they saw a success path. at the moment they don't. It won't happen for fraudsters from Farmington lead by a local plumber who's said he doesn't understand the technology himself.

Anyone who would like to look deeper into this brief overview should speak up. That's just what I'd like ta do.