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08/12/11 8:14 PM

#99731 RE: venomen2002 #99730

No new dilution in over a half a year..!!
Yep, and no government payroll taxes paid in over a year.
Who do you think will win in this battle veno?

No new dilution in over a half a year..

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08/12/11 10:18 PM

#99732 RE: venomen2002 #99730

You post that the company has been out of money since Late May and early June.

Obviously they have been. That is why they are taking money from their employees. Have you not read yet that they owe thousands to the IRS because they havent been making the proper contributions?

tisk tisk. DD.
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08/12/11 11:32 PM

#99734 RE: venomen2002 #99730

Company is still operating on the backs of employee's payroll deductions.
OUCH ... IRS seizure coming next???
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Santa Barbara Broker

08/13/11 9:40 AM

#99737 RE: venomen2002 #99730

No new dilution in over a half a year

..100% FALSE.

That is a completely false statement that I can see absolutely no purpose in the world for relating beyond attempting to mislead people into buying the worthless stock of this scam company run by alleged Federal tax thieves currently under an IRS lien on company assets. It is not false on one level but on several.

1) First and foremost, you have zero proof that the company has not been diluting. Absolutely none. Your point that they are not diluting is backed absurdly by the purile counter, "well prove that they have diluted...". No, the fact that the rest of the world will show some character and freely state, "no we will NOT lie and say Expo Holdings have been diluting" because they are simply being honest in the absense of concrete proof to back that statement, does NOT allow the false counter to gain the slightest creedence. You have no idea whether or not Expo Holdings is diluting especially considering rationale number 2.

2) Renee has brought up an excellent point that Expo Holdings may indeed have found a way to dilute without filing a public notice. Well, actually they HAVE filed a public notice if her theory is correct. It was the "Stock Split" filed in February 2011 which may well be all they needed to pump out BILLIONS of more shares to PIPEs and accredited investors. It might very well be that my logic that they would cease and desist from dilution due to the IRS seizing the monies and Renee's theory could dovetail nicely...IF they were able to keep the dilution from both the SEC and the IRS using the same method with which they may be hiding it from the public.

3) If 2 is not in play, then the only reason the company would have ceased to dilute would be that a) they are under orders from the SEC from back in February that they cannot further issue shares or up the A/S count or b) that the IRS became aware of this income potential when they performed or requested a company audit of all assets and revenue sources and would seize any incoming monies immediately...provided of course they knew of them. Because regardless of what you say...the COMPANY IS DEAD BROKE if they have not diluted or found another way to get hold of cash.

Much like the completely false and invented premise that "the company is still operating and orders have increased", it is simply a further bald-faced prevarication to state the company has not diluted since February. The company has to be out of money by every possible calculation using their own numbers one can fathom...UNLESS they have found a way to further dilute or make money under the table. Because EXPH had a negative net worth by their own accounting BEFORE the IRS put a lien on 100% of their assets, there is now no doubt whatsoever that the company and therefore it's stock are completely worthless to anyone but the IRS. If their shares give you some form of comfort to "hold on to them", by all means keep your EXPH shares. Other than for that simple purpose of performing as "Linus' blanket", they would be valueless as anything but toliet paper. And yes, the SM is still on. As I have stated, if Brown maintains his near insane Messianic tendencies of invincibility in the face of current events and the SM is held, the people attending it will be told 100% lies about anything of importance and know less than they did when they went into the room. If mental health comes into play however, it will be cancelled. Either way it's final disposition is completely irrelevent. Nothing of relevance will be given to grunt common shareholders that is not a bald-faced lie or carefully staged to be misleading.

Your company is being run by proven tax thieves and alleged criminals who could be facing time for tax evasion and fraud. If they would lie and steal from the IRS, The US Treasury and possibly the State of NC Treasury and you believe that a common shareholder like you has somehow got "secret access" to the REAL truth because they are telling you that over the phone or in an email or through some con artist, hired guns...those clever "boots on the ground" of yours, well...what can I say, LMAO? All IMHO.
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08/13/11 12:03 PM

#99740 RE: venomen2002 #99730

Looks like someone is reading the situation clearly. I'm with you, veno and I'm sure buying will pick-up within the next month ;)