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08/09/11 6:15 PM

#5424 RE: Jersey Dude #5423

The Brock patents, now property of ASPW are not enforceable patents, anybody can copy the concept. They are essentially a copy of the expired Grumman patent. Brock's own sales manager quit and copied the design, formed another co etc. There is no recourse on those filings.
Brock knows this, it already happened to him.
Remember the company that Brock took 50k order advancement from? Well they copied the Tamer a long time ago, sorry the name escapes me..but anyway the patents don't hold water.
Why doesn't everyone copy them? Because it is ridiculously expensive to build and does not produce any additional power over open bladed design that cost one third.
And ol Schmitty buying shares at that price just tells me the company needs more money, and no matter what happens he is safe. Of course they have a lock up period, you can't do such a thing any other way. Great odds for him. So what is the price per share for public companies that just resell solar panels? That is what you should be concerned with.
Just keeping it real. I know you guys miss me, I have been busy, I will try to add more content every day. ;)
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08/10/11 8:38 AM

#5426 RE: Jersey Dude #5423

Jersey, just some follow-on ...

"Schmitz has also addressed the delay in testing at Intertek a few times."

I politely disagree. Schmitz has said a lot of things to deflect and diffuse - like when I ask my teenagers why they haven't done their chores. They say lots of fluffy things, but ultimately there's no meat there.

At the annual meeting if someone had asked him flat out "Why is there no Windtamer turbine visible at Intertek's test site? Which by the way is the only AWEA approved wind energy test site in North America." And he had given an answer heavy on meat and light on potatoes I would call it "addressed." Otherwise it's still smoke and mirrors

"There's no reason to believe that, as you essentially allege, Arista is committing some sort of fraud by selling to related parties in Europe and not annoucing it. For Pete's sake, they even released a freaking picture of the Lithuania (not UK) company's personnel. Oh, wait, those were hired actors!"

You elaborated and lost my point. If the distributors brother-in-law "buys" one. I wouldn't call that a "sale." It's an installation, sure. But it wasn't "bought" on it's merits. It was "bought" as a P.R. move. Very few people have bought these that were not investors, shareholders, or much removed from the management.

"Just keep it real."

Here's a real question for you. How long will you find it acceptable for a company to publish not a single drop of performance data for ANY of it's performance-based products? The first turbines installed at Clarkson University in October 2008. 3 years, no numbers. Would you tolerate this type of non-reporting from your investment advisor or broker? The POD system looks good, I like everything about it, but where's a utility bill?

And lastly - I have good reason to be suspect of them all - Schmitz, Saba, Hedges and Matthews as well as the Three Amigos. It's because I've met them all and talked to them personally. I personally know several people who used to work there. I still work with several companies that are vendors to them. I work with 3 people who came from Ultralife. They were there when the "dream team" departed (to much applause I might add). I have talked to them all and looked in their eyes. This really is a small town - Rochester - there are only so many vendors here.

The reason Brock couldn't fit in with them is because he couldn't bluff as well.

Keeping it Real means looking deeper than the surface, and not taking anyone at their word until they have a long, clean, history without question. This team hasn't met those criteria yet, and perhaps never will to me. Keeping it real means doing DD, finding multiple sources for the same info, cross-checking. Keeping it real is not simply reading the PR, attending the annual pep-rally, taking them at their word, and trusting them.

4 months left to sell $25 million and hire 90 people. How's that sound for real? 3 years and not a single number. That's real too. People don't buy these for their wonderful colors, they buy them for performance - the numbers.

And ready - here's the pre-written excuse, choose any combination of the following:
Budget wrangling
bad economy
partisan politics
debt limit increased
bad economic times
military budget cuts

Guess I'm wound up a bit this morning. I'll lay low for a while, I promise.