What is America's most valuable asset that is used as a collateral by default? Nobody discusses this because we are in a "global economy" now... But the answer is: US military Force. Economic crises like current one have always been resolved with this collateral, when all other scenarios are played. Right now there is no other "assets" in the World that can compete with US "collateral". We should stop pretending that everything is fine and actually walk away before China exceeds US military power. And this is going to happen in several years. China is the only country in the World with competitive military buildup. Pretty soon everybody will stop laughing about Chinese "WalMart garbage". They will exceed American or European quality just like Japan has done in many cases. But, unlike Japan, they have no restrictions and don't need American "protection" service. I don't believe that Mankind can afford new global war. But at some point USA will have to stop acting like the only armed man in the block. We need to walk away before this happens. Better now...