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08/07/11 9:22 AM

#127503 RE: Johnik #127469

I was aware of the 18 month confidentiality delay but it slipped my mind.....not a new or unexpected phenomenon and a poor excuse. I am sorry.

"JBI's last 10Q (filed in May 2011) indicated that the company was working on submitting certain aspects of the process for patent protection, but did not state that an application had been filed."
The same intent was stated in the 10K/A for the year ended 12/31/09:
"JBI intends to seek patent protection for its Plastic2Oil technology."
"The Company has not sought patent protection for its P2O processing technology. However, we intend to do so in the near future."

The 10K/A for the year ended 12/31/10, filed less than 3 weeks ago, was more explicit:
"Also, JBI is in the process of filing 5 separate patents for its Plastic2Oil Processor."

And now, we are left to assume that an application has been filed based solely on the sharp eyed reader of a heading suggesting same in the middle of the website.

You are correct. Two things "may explain" my inability to find any P20 related patent applications.....either they have not been filed or they have been filed very recently and are under the protection of the 18 month confidentiality period. Of course I could also have simply blown the search, but I don't think so. You are welcome to confirm or correct my lack of results.

Do you know which explanation applies?
I also note that you use the singular here: "Putting one and two together, you should not expect to be able to view JBI's patent application for some time".
Has the company only filed one of the 5 that they were in the process of filing 3 weeks ago, if you know?

And would you know which explanation might address my inability to find this, from the same 3 week old 10K/A?:
"JBI has a patent related to its Data Business, for the recovery of tape information."
Note that the language indicates that a patent has been granted. The confidentiality period explanation wouldn't cover that, would it?

There are obviously good reasons for the 18 month confidentiality provision of the law that protects the details of a patent application from free access by those who might seek to unfairly benefit from the hard work and innovation of others. I guess investors will have to wait until 8/15, the due date of the next 10Q, to hear from the company as to whether any or all of the 5 applications have been filed......the website states at least one has been:
"Plastic to Oil: Our Patent Pending Process"

I can't help noting that, in spite of the above heading, the 10Q that you referenced actually called for the application for patents on only "certain aspects of the process", not the process in its entirety as the heading suggests.