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06/07/05 12:54 AM

#112066 RE: BondGekko #112046

OT: spree99, I agree. I actually had made the point while typing my post that such a strategy was primarily only found today in penny stocks but deleted it for the sake of brevity. Both of my original posts were, in truth, only a setup for my final statement. It's been seen that message boards are often used by posters who pose as having one agenda, when in fact they have another purpose in mind. They often work in teams, while maintaining the appearance of being independent of each other. I posted in light of the current controversy on this board. Whether such a situation exists here is something I really don't know. My post was purely food for thought. If you look at my past post on this subject, you will see that I am in agreement about what seems to be an excessive level of compensation enjoyed by the highest level members of the board. Whether a declassified board or a replacement of HC is in the best interest of the company is something I am undecided on, however I believe there have been good arguments in favor of those moves. On the other hand, I also believe that it would be wise to realize that it is possible there could be ulterior motives behind the actions of some who are campaigning for those changes.

I appreciate your responding to me. It's evident that the way I tried to make my point was ineffective because both of my post obviously only left the readers confused about my message.