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dia duit

08/04/11 6:08 PM

#329064 RE: dia duit #329062

Over time this World Reports story full of lies mellows better than a fine wine.

After all the scams surrounding the Delmarva Timber Trust (including the prosecutions/convictions of William Scott, Linda Scott and Ralph Ben-Schoter) you would think the Story/Cottrell gang would have dropped the Delmarva Timber Trust/Bush Crime Family angle earlier on. But they couldn't resist adding it to the CMKX/Tyler police report story. I guess WR had an audience to play up to.

OMG So many lies!

12-Jan-2007 06 January: Associates inform
: AmeriTrust Groupe, Inc. that the Vatican is a major
: shareholder of the naked shorted stock “CMKX” and that
: there are parallel activities relating to AmeriTrust
: Groupe, Inc.’s efforts regarding the release of the
: diverted, delayed and stolen $4.5 trillion Settlement
: and “CMKX” stock valuation and payment.

: We will now explain in detail how these Fed arrests came to
: pass, and how the trail exposes an operation
: masterminded by George Bush Sr. to steal $12.8 billion,
: which we believe was targeted to provide the Bush ‘Black’
: operatives and associates with funds to replenish a
: depleted ‘bribery pot’ needed, even at this late stage, to
: corrupt bankers and others at home and abroad.

: Specifically, a California-based shareholder of outstanding
: shares of CMKM Diamonds, Inc. (a Nevada-based
: corporation traded on the OTC market as CMKX) exposed to us
: on 18th January 2009 the involvement of a Mr William A
: Frazell, of Attorneys Frazell & Mosley PLL (Austin,
: TX), Mr Kevin West (the Chief Executive Officer of CMKX)
: and Mr Urban Casavant, of Casavant Mining Kimberlite
: International, in connection with the receipt of over $12
: billion being the proceeds of a settlement with CMKM/CMKX,
: known to the Securities and Exchange Commission following a
: lawsuit concerning ‘naked short-selling activities’.

: The California-based shareholder, who is an Attorney,
: advised us that CMKM/CMKX was very recently ‘converted
: out’ from Nevada and moved to Tyler, Texas – a corporate
: move of which the outstanding registered shareholders, who
: own more than 800 billion shares, were never
: legally informed. As noted, the source is a holder of
: outstanding shares in the Nevada-based corporation.

: Our sources confirm that Attorney Frazell, acting for and on
: behalf of CMKM/CMKX, paid a certain shareholder a sum of
: money equivalent to $0.02 (two cents in the dollar) per
: share and that the shareholder was made to sign a
: non-disclosure document demanded by Attorney Frazell, which
: allegedly denies any information to the remaining
: outstanding shareholders.

: Non-disclosure documents are essentially illegal and are of no
: effect, rendering the transaction itself null and void
: (which is the case anyway, as the payout is fraudulent).

: Consequent upon this operation, we were advised that $12.8
: billion of Settlement funds are or were initially missing
: and unaccounted for, while the Attorney, W. A. Frazell, was
: not cooperating with the other shareholders in any attempt
: to identify the location of these missing funds. On 20th
: January 2009, it was confirmed that 639 billion shares were
: paid out at a price of $0.02 per share, equating to a total
: payout of $12,780,000,000.

: The significance of this detail is that, in an earlier
: conversation with the authorities, the city of Tyler, Texas
: had only recently been mentioned in the context of the
: release of ‘settlement funds’, and in the context of known
: activities of Bush Sr. associates in Dallas, Austin, and
: Crawford County, Texas and the relevant background
: involving Delmarva Timber Trust et al.

: The 639 billion shares that were sold short were sold WITH
: the knowledge of the Securities and Exchange Commission.
: Under the relevant lawsuit concluded in late 2007,
: settlement funds were to be paid out to all holders of
: outstanding CMKM/CMKX shares.

: Instead of which Attorney Wiliam A. Frazell is reported to us
: to have taken receipt of the full $12.8 billion in a sham
: operation in which he signed off illegally on a settlement
: of $0.02 per share without informing the shareholders. We
: are advised that these funds were channnelled to the
: control of a member of the Bush Crime Family operating in
: Canada.

: Specifically, at the direction of George H. W. Bush Sr., these
: funds were shifted under pretext of a settlement with the
: knowledge of the SEC from someone else’s account, in
: typical accordance with the standard Ponzi Scheme
: model.

: The Tyler, TX, Police had to respond immediately because
: Attorney Frazell had allegedly been contacted by a CMKM
: Diamonds, Inc. shareholder who happened to be a former
: agent for the Internal Revenue Service.

: The former IRS agent notified Attorney Frazell that the funds
: had been collected and held by the Despository Trust
: Clearing Corporation (DTCC) (according to the DTCC),
: whereupon the former IRS agent was offered a settlement by
: Frazell; and the non-disclosure document (which is null and
: void in practice, as the agent will have known) was signed.
: This information was incorporated with the police complaint
: report furnished to the Chief of Police in Tyler, Texas.

: The DTCC are reported to have separately confirmed that they
: were and still are, holding funds for the settlement in
: question.

: The Chief of Police in Tyler, TX, was actually notified of
: this theft/diversion on 22nd January, when documents were
: submitted to the local police for the purposes of
: investigation and making the necessary arrests.