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07/30/11 2:02 PM

#99188 RE: Jeremiah #99186

they don't have to jerry ..

it doesn't get more simple than that

that said since i do interact with exph
longs who do make the effort to visit
the plant on a regular basis .. lots of
aspects get noted and questions get asked

what can be answered is

it's pretty much SOP

as for why anyone is an investor in a co.
it will be different for each respective individual

and CIMA is doing just fine .. based on first hand
visits by exph longs who do make the effort

but if anyone needed any more *info* on that topic
they could watch the show re: kearey builders who
make it quite clear what cabinet of choice .. is theirs
for their customers in those gorgeous high end homes

here's the rub jerry

one of the reasons i upped my investment
in expo holdings was due to ETC

not CIMA .. and not D&D

which is why i'm waiting on the *intent* of the new ceo
to articulate what is what where ETC is concerned

it happens .. there are no guarantees where any co.
is concerned in the crappiest economy in well over 70 years

all jmo

Santa Barbara Broker

07/30/11 4:39 PM

#99197 RE: Jeremiah #99186

Personally I define that as disgusting.

Personally I define it as a "material event" Jerry. Makes you wonder what else has gone unreported besides everything having to do with the financials, officers and stock holdings of same. IMHO.