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07/25/11 8:20 PM

#30443 RE: TASBES0101 #30440

Barakett • Andrew has been involved in handling securities....


G. Wanderport Corp.
31. Wanderport Corp. (The after <<Wanderport ") is a company incorporated Ie
March 29, 2006, under Iin Temtex Industries, Inc., pursuant to Iois | State of Delaware.
32. January 8, 2007, Temte Industries, Inc. Has changed its name to Wanderport Corp.
33. Wanderport leaders are Richard Mantel (President), Jean-Francois Amyot (vice-
president communications) and Robert Simoneau (VlCE president technology).
34. The address is Wanderport 17445 U.S. Highway 192, Suite 1, Clermont, FL 3,471,461,
USA. Wanderport has no known address in Québec.
35. The shares are traded on the Wanderport Ie Pink Sheet.
H. Neuro-Biotech inc. `
36. Neuro-Biotech Corporation. (The after <<Neuro-Biotech ") is a company that was incorporated
Iois under the State of Nevada Ie 26 July 1990 under the name of Quantitative Methods
37. January 17, 2007, Quantitative Methods Corp. has changed its name to M45 Mining
Resources Inc.. (The after <<M45>>).
38. On February 11, 2010, M45 changes name to Neuro-Biotech Corporation.
39. Neuro-Biotech currently has no known address in Québec.
40. Andrea Cortellazzi was a shareholder of this company. As such, the documents submitted by
Neuro-Biotech Securities and Exchange Commission (the Ia after "SEC" ") for Neuro-
Biotech reveal that on March 8, 2007, Andrea Cortellazzi Contrelle over 56%
company Ia actions, participation has reduced 37.53% as of March 31, 2010.
41. Serge Ollu is a consultant for Neuro-Biotech.
42. The shares of Neuro-Biotech is listed on Ie Pink Sheet.
43. Andrea Cortellazzi Ollu and Serge were never registered with any I'Autorite title
adviser or dealer in securities acting under LVM Ia.
I. Others involved
44. Several other natural and legal persons are involved in this issue:
- Proactive Computer Services is a company that is not Andrea Cortellazzi
registered with the registrar of companies in Québec and who holds
no registration with | Authority. This company was used by Andrea
Cortellazzi within the framework of investments in Wanderport. _ A
. 8
Barakett • Andrew has been involved in handling securities Ia Wanderpoit and has
also compromising the title of Wanderport through Ia company 6570542
Canada inc. Ie which he is chairman and largest shareholder;
Daniel Pauze, Yannick Lessard Patrick Lessard, Nicolas Matossian involved
Ia manipulation in the securities of EGM and EGM regu actions, as explained
here after. .
- 9198-6208 Québec inc. is a company that was established June 17, 2008 and is
registered with the registrar of companies. Annie Lacasse is presidente
and secretary. The reported activity of Ia company <<mineral exploration and
natural resources. " This company regu EGM actions within the framework of a
transaction explained below. g
"935063 Alberta Ltd.. is a company that was incorporated Ie 18 2001 and is poorly
`Registered with the registrar of companies and that is Nicolas Matossian
president, the company has regu actions EGM.
- Denyse Raynault Ia is joint Ollu Serge, Jean-Sebastien Ollu, Marc-
Ollu Alexandre, Marie-Christine Ollu are the children of Serge Ollu. They were all regu
shares of EGM. '
- ° Capital Inc. Castellane. is a company that was incorporated April 30, 2009 and is
registered with the registrar of companies. Jean-Sebastien Ollu is the
Ie president and secretary. The activity is declared "Company" Management -
real estate investment and mining properties. " She regu actions
EGM. •
"Salvator Brunetti Drilling Inc. and Magma. have regu actions in EGM
anyone after explained. _
- Xavier is DeMontigny Ie Els Michel DeMontigny. It has regu shares of EGM.
- Michel Lebeuf is an attorney who has rendered professional services za Andrea
Cortellazzi and who regu shares of EGM by anyone-after
45. These people are not registered with the Authority as an adviser or broker
in securities acting under the Securities Act. Yannick Lessard has also already been
I'Autorité registered with:
- As a representative in insurance of persons. Ie it is inactive for 30 June A
2009 for non-renewable | yment. .
- As an investment representative. II Ie resigned December 31, 2008. _
- As a securities representative of 21 November 2005 to January 10
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07/25/11 8:26 PM

#30445 RE: TASBES0101 #30440

Thanks for doing that, great work. I found it useful to do a search for the word Wanderport in there. For the most part it says they were just the target of manipulation and things seem to actually be cleaner for WDRP than for the other companies involved. There doesn't even seem to be anything that incriminating about Andrew... Maybe he's actually not that dirty, just got his name connected to some bad stuff...

I don't understand why the company or their lawyer doesn't go over this document like we have and address the details in it. It's the best thing to do. They must have already talked to Andrew about it and were happy with his replies, or at least they're saying they were...

The most interesting part was:

- About Wanderport, it indicates that this is not his project, but the
Andrew Barakett, a long-time acquaintance.
_ - II has been contacted by him there are more than two years atin key | help set up at
this shell stock market.
- His duties were to find for Mr. Barakett a transfer agent and a lawyer
United States.
. - To do this, he obtained more than two million shares of Wanderport, actions that
has been sold or distributed.
• - Mr. Barakett, which has no specific title in Wanderport, was commissioned by
former board Wanderport,
"Following a transaction with a Quebec company, represented by a
Richard Martel, Wanderport had to have a real asset, a technology
the field of water heaters.
- The transaction Wanderport so that the shell possesses | assets would still
'Not completed. `
- Mr. Cortellazzi contends that at no time did he solicited investors for
purchase shares of Ia society.
- He knows that Hilbroy ltsallbull and are involved in promoting Wanderport Ia, but
IE shows it | was not involved at this level.
- In fact, Mr. Cortellazzi pretend to have had a role in that very Iimité Wanderport,
or only to find an agent and a lawyer for transfen Ia society.
M45-lNeuro Biotechl
'- M. Cortellazzi Ie said to have been in some past owner <<shells "
shells traded.
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07/26/11 8:15 AM

#30477 RE: TASBES0101 #30440

Thanks for the translation. Based on the conclusions presented in the report alone, IMO Andrew needs to be on administrative leave. In the two days WDRP and some Peter guy had to review the AMF stuff, they determined Andrew has done nothing wrong and even praised him.
I assume the AMF has been doing on-going investigations for months on these people and Peter says he will even recomend Andrew to others.


F. Conclusions
89. Testimony and evidence gathered within the framework of the Venquéte I'Autorité Ia show the presence of a network that has developed a scheme to manipulate the securities of the companies Wanderport, Neuro-Biotech and EGM.
90. Specifically, they use a network of associates and brokerage accounts of ann deal in securities of companies whose securities are manipulated to create artificially a transaction volume.
91. Simultaneously, the promoters of services such as equities IAB, and Hilbroy Downshire atin are retained to promote corporate securities from investors potential.
92. The evidence indicates that the following individuals are or were involved in this stratagem;
A Michel DeMontigny
- John Amyot Frang0is
- Serge Ollu
_ - Andrea Conellazzi
- Yannick Lessard
- Dominic Gingras
- Jean-Sebastien Ollu
- Denyse Raynault
- Jacques Vallée
• Patrick Gagne `
- Stéphane rrécneue
- Daniel Ryan `
- Carol McKeown
- Andrew Barakett
- Martin Harvey _
- Patrick Lessard
- Nicolas Matossian _
- Daniel Pauze
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07/30/11 12:55 PM

#31308 RE: TASBES0101 #30440

WTH happened here...I was kicking myself for missing the last fall from grace to .015 then last I looked WDRP was .06, and now whats going on...whats this French Doc about is anything wrong with WDRP or its officers????????

I always feared something was wrong, but I hope NOT for many here!

This is the 1st post I came across, after noticing the price fell

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07/30/11 1:05 PM

#31310 RE: TASBES0101 #30440

[13] It places particular emphasis on handling Ia securities that Wanderport have taken place recently. The investigator in the record has received three warnings, including
a barely went back to June 25, 2011. It is therefore scheme and consequently, a
compelling reason to issue the order sought. As a company Neuro-Ia
Biotech inc., The Authority has no evidence to promote the tracks on this | Â • it.
[14] But there is a factual framework of a large network. Press releases
have been published until April 2011, proving the manipulation of the securities market

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07/30/11 6:14 PM

#31380 RE: TASBES0101 #30440

7] During the search, no one ran for local EGM while
few people were in the premises of IAB. One of them was asked
by an investigator I'Autorite. In addition, it was found that Ia company IAB was
by I'entremise its website <</ tsa / / bul / .net "Ia Ia promotion securities company
Wanderport Corp. (The after <<Wanderport
"), respondent I'instance. He has personally
regu alerts about this web site as recently as June 25, 2011 Ie.
[8] The investigator also noted that recently, Ientreprise Neuro-Biotech inc.,
also respondent, issued false press releases. Thus, the G in April 2011, she
produced a statement claiming that a representative of this company had a
Montreal in March 2011 a presentation was a Deputy Minister of Ministry of
Economic development of the Federation Russler, verification, this
information has been totally disproved.

does anybody get any of this, its hard to piece together, and whats website <</ tsa / / bul / .net????

be nice if WDRP put out an official Press Release addressing this mess, I think the shareholders deserve that...

The more Robert doesnt face this head on and be totally up front with his investors, the more fear people will have in staying invested imo