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Replies to #1747 on SPX- QQQ - Dow
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07/22/11 10:11 AM

#1749 RE: POKERSAM #1747

POKER..I totally agree with you...Self first , country down the line someplace...and we send those donkeys to Washington to serve OUR interests...What a joke..
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07/22/11 10:41 AM

#1751 RE: POKERSAM #1747

Gleno just sent this too me to illustrate your point

I would never put this out... :)

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07/22/11 1:26 PM

#1760 RE: POKERSAM #1747

Pokersam - We the people have created this mess and we the people are going to have to fix this mess. The problem is we have more people that want a corrupt unaccountable government than do.

I don't believe term limits is the answer. Why throw a good one out and end up with a bad apple? Of course we could have a bad apple that we would then have for 5 years.

I believe we need to change the way we elect our officials and also have a way to throw them out if they are not doing a good job.

We need to totally revamp the election process. No donations from individuals, lobbiest, companies etc.... and no party affiliation that way the candidate does not owe anyone anything. Those interested in the office would apply by a certain deadline (just like a job), they would provide their bio (their credentials/vision/phylosophy), this information would be given to each registered voter. A preliminary vote would be taken, the voter would choose 5 candidates, the top 5 would all be given equal air time to sell themselves to the public, a 2nd round of voting would narrow the selection to the top 2 candidates, then the general election would make the final selection.

Make the President 6 year term
Vice President 4 year term
Senate 4 year term
Congress 2 year term

Have votes of confidence (failure to get 50% or more would require a new election):

President, Vice President & Senate - every 2 years

As for the Representatives in Congress:

If the voters in their district are not happy, they can petition for a new election which would require more than 50%

To be able to vote:
Be a U.S. Citizen
Be 18 years or older
Be atleast a High School Graduate
Can not be drawing Welfare
Must be a tax payer(if the fair tax was implemented it would take care of that)

I believe this method would give us alot better choices in candidates, more qualified candidates, and fewer less educated voters

That my 2 cents.