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07/12/11 12:34 PM

#26722 RE: ZincFinger #26721

A better answer for HIM would have been.... Cuz I like gambling.

Blind Pig

07/12/11 3:10 PM

#26740 RE: ZincFinger #26721

i agree with your fundamental analysis, well put. what bugs me is the selling in the face of such a logical reason to buy. but if one were to be trading off T/A then it all makes sense. i do think the 200MA will hold, but if it don't, ouch! it's getting time to transfer more funds.


07/12/11 6:09 PM

#26754 RE: ZincFinger #26721

It staggers me that in spite of all that some express so much concern about really minor things like financing when, in fact, the financing is far better than most companies at such an early stage.

Finances will either make or break a company, minor? I think not.

I don't think we need to go here

the financing is far better than most companies at such an early stage

Ignoring all of the "associations DD" I posted(agree with it or not)(please no comment), one thing you can't deny, the REQUIREMENT that KBLB has to MAINTAIN an IR/PR "RELATED" to that financier.
(posted in full context several times previously, it is in the SEC filings, just ctrl+F "related" and should be quick to find that statement in full context from the original source)

That one requirement of the financing has costed KBLB 30 million shares
10 to
and 20 to Ben Hansel

30 million shares around today's rates, for fun let's use .10 cents per share.

So just on IR/PR "REQUIREMENTS" forced on KBLB, we have 30 million shares issued valued in excess of 3 million dollars.

That is just on that ir/pr requirement. Total money per the L.o.c. is up to 2.5 million, and then there was the 120,000 bridge loan(that costed us 6 million shares).

Reply to this: "these terms are far better than anything kblb could have gotten elsewhere." or "what would you have kblb do instead, huh?

Correct me if I am wrong anyone(seriously)
Can't KBLB dilute straight to the market. For example, person X buys the shares at a discount, and dilutes them immediately for a profit of that discounted difference.

If that is a possibility, and I believe it is, then that is my preferred route. Dilute as you go, stock goes up, shares issued goes down, and there are no strings attached whatsoever except the discount.

And regarding IR/PR, QS's services were "valued" at 200,000(6 months), same as Ben, that is essentially an annual rate of 400,000. Kim's salary isn't even close to that, plus QS and Ben were/are not working solely for KBLB, but other entities. Shouldn't Kim be able to hire an ir/pr that works with Kim in his office for say 50,000 per year?

KBLB, "Weaving your money into gold."


07/13/11 12:03 PM

#26791 RE: ZincFinger #26721

"This is not "gambling", it is investing. Gambling is when you trade based on just the charts and numbers without understanding the company"

traders play the odds...they take money off the table from their winnings often..they minimize their losses and try to maximize their gains..
your definition of investors is one who is playing the long shot and periodically pouring in more money waiting and hoping for the big payoff..

dont kid yourself, you are in fact gambling big time..i hope you dont truly believe all that stuff you wrote...its mostly pie in the sky hopes and dreams...nice if it all turns out like that...but it wont..

this is a money losing pink sheet one man operation..they have something they are trying to develop (not have, will or should) that they think will be the best thing since sliced bread....hmmm where have i heard that before?...oh yea..from every single one of the thousands of pink sheets out there...

could kblb be the one?..sure...could you make a fortune?..sure...are your odds really really good?, they are not...not yet..