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07/08/11 11:05 PM

#33265 RE: what-a-mess #33264

Just a regular Joe, my friend... I work a 9-4, have a few chickens, a cow or three, and a garden. I live in an agricultural community of about 500 in southeast Kansas, and do what I can to get by. But, I trust in the judgement I made when I started accumulating MYFT. I took some profits when it went to a quarter back in January of last year and again when it went to .15 the third week of june the same year. I put it all back in to try and buy up all the loose shares that the shorts have been tossin' around for months. Broker Dealer... I wish I had that kind of money! Maybe when MYFT makes the doubters eat crow I can trade like that but not yet... January of this year made me tho, and with the shares I have at an average of .0221 I should do well when the naysayers are finally quieted for good. I still wish you good luck and fat trades, I just hope that you find it in yourself to believe just a little...


07/09/11 1:24 PM

#33267 RE: what-a-mess #33264

But those people that bought and held have lost they're A** over the years!

As you well know, there are no losers, or winners for that matter, until an individual hits the sell button. So your remark is unfounded and baseless. Of course unless we're talking paper losses. Which, as I've referrenced, don't count.
