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06/30/11 12:09 PM

#315734 RE: ilenes #315727

Ilenes.. IMO.. I don't think she needs any encouragement, I can hear in her voice that she is ready to take this challenge on. When I say challenge, I mean it. The Debtors have distanced themselves from these hedge funds, because 1. They regret getting into bed with them in the first place and 2. Malpractice is a serious allegation. We all like to beat up on Rosen because he is our adversary, but his career and especially his bar card depends on how they have conducted themselves throughout these proceedings.

Hedgies have committed Insider Trading.. 3 of the funds "did not" and I mean.. "DID NOT" construct an ethical wall between themselves and the traders.. That was very obvious for the last 2 plus years. Now Aurelis is obviously worried to the point of firm dissoultion being the end result if there is a trial on IT. WHY? Oh it has to be much bigger than just Insider Trading. It has to be something PRE-BK!

It has to be.. Eckstein was pleading with the Judge yesterday to keep his emails with the firms managers secret. As he should have been, but I have a feeling this runs deeper than just trading in the debtors securities. Pre-GSA announcement is detrimental to their case if it is proven they are the ones that prearranged the drop.. That is nothing, if any of these 4 hedge funds have anything to do with the Pre-BK trading and that HUGE NSS position in this stock. Sargent may have enough evidence to head down that trial, but he is going to need THJMW's cooperation in that little adventure.

I think she is just sitting up there waiting with baited breath to read EC's objection.. TPS seems to be aligning up with Equity... Getting very interesting ,the battle lines have been drawn.

Susman Godfrey is our "Benjamin Martin!"


06/30/11 12:33 PM

#315742 RE: ilenes #315727

My two cents is she did great yesterday!