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06/29/11 8:23 PM

#315558 RE: ilenes #315556

Thanks Ilene


06/29/11 8:29 PM

#315559 RE: ilenes #315556


Good evening

Was your last sentence meant to be very telling or just thought provoking? It is a very important observation,if correct!

Take Care


06/29/11 8:49 PM

#315569 RE: ilenes #315556

Hey ilenes!

Maclorjoe here,

Another splendid accounting of today's proceedings! Thank you once again!

Vietnam era Marine
Semper Fi!

Militia Man

06/29/11 9:15 PM

#315582 RE: ilenes #315556

I heard all of that today, would have loved to see JMW's face.. lol

Jipped tonight on the thunder storm.. lol Maybe tomorrow?


"1. Sargent's comment early on that 'we do not need to establish violation of Federal securities law violations in order to pursue this here in BK court. While there may be some violations, we don't need to prove those here' (partial exact quote/partial paraphrase)

2. Sargent again, 'until April, JPMC agreed on every term sheet to return the 4 billion dollar deposit claim to the estate' (how many have there been??!!)

3. Ken Feldman's comment, 'SNH continue to accumulate securities that would benefit from a settlement...that they put together. It could be a coincidence...' (again, paraphrasing. at this point, both he and JMW looked at each other and chuckled)

4. Both Stratton (UCC) and Ownes (Centerbridge) separately pondering aloud the possibility that the EC would settle and leave the TPS behind.

Additionally, by her repeated questioning, JMW was clearly allowing the HFs to paint themselves into a perjury corner, and Rosen couldn't put enough distance between the Debtors and today's entire proceeding.



06/29/11 9:41 PM

#315595 RE: ilenes #315556

You are so right Ilenes, Rosen wanted nothing to do with any of this and his guys are getting depo'ed tomorrow and Friday. He was beating feet the other way, he knows that if it was even allegated that he allowed it to happen as a part of the SNH's being on board his GSA, that he and his debtor represented firm are toast.

I don't think he would have been there if he did not have to address the other items on the agenda.


06/29/11 9:48 PM

#315601 RE: ilenes #315556

Thank you ilenes! As usual, YOU ROCK! ::smiles:: -Jest