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Santa Barbara Broker

06/24/11 10:43 AM

#97540 RE: fourkids_9pets #97534

clearly there is no SELLING

So therefore, using your own logic and your own words, everyone holding EXPH shares is underwater. It is impossible to have spread out the number of .0001 and .0002 shares necessary to get two shareholders here in this thing even let alone one. And it's been proven. You have the the math and you know it's true, LOL. You can't have it both ways with EXPH. Pretending to discount, and then mask the scam Brown and Harrs are pulling is like trying to herd ants. The EXPH lies almost seem to move in four dimensions. To the point it is no longer possible to keep track of or even keep an eye on them all long and fast enough to invent the lame excuses needed to cover them all up. IMHO.


06/24/11 10:59 AM

#97541 RE: fourkids_9pets #97534

"until mgmt uploads fins and forms"

And just how long have you been waiting and waiting for this to happen???

However, it's obvious that it is not in the best interest of JD and GH for this to happen. By the way, they are in violation of SEC reporting requirements on these items now!!!


06/24/11 12:29 PM

#97546 RE: fourkids_9pets #97534

Wow ... lets wait Another year for the long awaited fins and forms on EXPH.
Sheesh ... its disgraceful what EXPH is doing.

until mgmt uploads fins and forms