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06/23/11 2:57 PM

#41642 RE: noquit #41616

Lets not get confused over a stock that has so many shares. Lots of pink sheets have them, so lets think of this for just a moment we see the pps going to say .50 that would give this company a market cap of say $3.25B;

Q. How many dealerships could we open with that much money?
Q. How much inventory could that buy?
Q. How many customers could be financed?
Q. How quickly could all this happen?

If we dare to compare to our competition then we need a lot more money to get there.

Now how do we get there, we need to stay focused on the business model, and attract new investors, investors that can get in cheap, if we hired an underwriter to start the process and get the word out that this company is about to explode, because of the long awaited building blocks that have been laid for the past 5 years, with products and services, and customers who are truely pleased and remain loyal, that could be worth promoting this stock to people who are willing to invest in a company that has huge growth potential, on the ground floor.

I'm not trying to convince you to buy in again, that is your decision, but the way I see this company, it is still waym way undervalued and deserves to be promoted to get the necessarry cash flow to help achieve those goals / plans that are already in motion.

So adding more shares may be the answer to get the cash needed.

Even if it means selling them a current pps so be it.

Lets face it, nobody is jumping in and offering more that an average of .0028 per share. We need more than that to make it happen.

Apparently the current investors on this board don't have enough money to make it happen, we need to atract new money.

I realize they're are many other ivestors beside the poeple on this board, but the truth is we are the majority holders of this stock.

Hey maybe Mark is affraid of us having two many shares and he increased the A/S to keep us from a hostle take over....

I know what im going to do... im going to keep what i have and maybe buy some more... not sure yet... but i do know that im never going to sell my entire position any time soon.

Hopfully Mr. Leonard was just having a bad day, and sent out an email on emotion, i know that if it were me being critisized yester day for illistrating the effect of my PR I'd be highly emotional to. IMO all those who made a big deal out of the pics, owe Mr. Leonard an apology. Mark has worked so hard to bring this conmpany where it is and he does not need unfounded critisism from people who have never run a business.

I believe it was just a weak moment and the man deserves more credit than what he is getting.