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06/20/11 12:32 PM

#103569 RE: cor11 #103568

lol, EIGH has lied repeatedly and that is a fact, just as Monk lied to his followers.


06/20/11 12:33 PM

#103570 RE: cor11 #103568

Simply put ... WRONG.

Monks Den was PR'd as a closed deal. EIGH LIED about that.

janice shell

06/20/11 12:35 PM

#103571 RE: cor11 #103568

The dividend was based on the PPS at the time and NO ONE ever said what the amount was to be.

I beg your pardon? The company said repeatedly, in press releases, that it would be greater than 10 cents.

They also did not LIE about the windfall.

Sure they did. It wasn't a windfall, it was a proposed financing arrangement.

They did not LIE about the merger. It was discussed and planned, but circumstances changed.

"Discussed" with whom? Who was the merger candidate?

They did not LIE about the takeover of Monk's Den.

They most certainly did. They said the acquisition of Monk's Den had been completed. That was not true. They said the same about several other "acquisitions" that hadn't actually happened.

They did not LIE about the share transfer. This has just been delayed by regulators, but for reasons that have not yet revealed.

FINRA refused to process the corporate action on the grounds that the company was being investigated by the SEC. That is the reason, and it was "revealed" by the company itself.

The businesses were in progress and in planning stages, but without funding, they could not be implemented.

What? They'd leased a store. They'd got themselves some t-shirts. And somehow, because of Evil Shorty, they couldn't sell them?



06/20/11 12:46 PM

#103572 RE: cor11 #103568

No point in repeating what others have said regarding why you are wrong on every point you raised.

However, one additional point should be emphasized.

The PPS of EIGH dropped because it was pumped up by Monk and his crew to unsustainable levels. (well, it was suspended by the SEC for fraud, but I'm talking about why it dropped before it was suspended).

EIGH doesn't have any form of business or income, nor do they have any plans for one. This gives them a true valuation of ZERO.

It is absurd to blame EIGH's failure on an unsubstantiated conspiracy theory for which there doesn't exist a single shred of evidence.

Blaming EIGH's failure on an unprovable conspiracy theory is the only "FUD" ever flogged on this board, and it has been flogged exactly to rob you and others of your money.

By repeating this FUD yourself, you are playing right into the scammers' hands. You are doing their job for them. That is exactly their plan.


06/20/11 1:18 PM

#103574 RE: cor11 #103568

WOW! Cherry flavored or Strawberry?

Fact is that the company is under investigation by the SEC for their relationship with Monk's Den. They claimed to have acquired "the den" and the educational opportunities that Monk was providing to everyone. If I remember correctly the acquisition was rumored to bring revenues in the millions. Hmmmm?
At the time Mel was even joking about being a corporate gal. I wonder if Roth has found those posts on Ihub yet in response to her just being an contractor to First in Awareness, et al?

The company CEO did state that the divy would be over $.10 and when it was announced that it was cancelled I was texting with Monk. In his words he said " I saw it. We are working on it". I wonder how many cheapies he bought up that day to bring the share price back up? Or was he dumping to protect his capital so he could pay for the houses, cars and airplanes?

I believe Monk is still working and even that his attorney has told him not to comment on EIGH. But what about CDIV? GRNO? PNTV? LUXI? The faithful deserved to have heard from him in that turbulent time and yet he wouldn't even comment on his own paid website regarding any of those companies.

Monk was a known stock promoter and admitted to it on several occassions. If I have learned one thing through all of this then it would be that a cameleon may change its colors but it is still a lizard. Monk bemoaned the fact that there were den members who "sold the den out" on CDI* because they had so much money in their accounts that greed overtook them. He made that comment when he was having dinner with us all here in San Diego. What would you call his actions? He wasn't selling us out but rather stabbing us in the back while listening to us all talk about how we wanted to make our lives and those of our families better. I wasn't buying new cars. I was trying to help my folks in retirement. My friend was trying to build up capital so that he could get out of the military and care for his disabled son.

All of the negative postings in the world could not make the company cancel the dividend, unravel their business dealings, fail to open a store in Barbados, or any of the many other failings.

I understand- this is painful. It is very difficult to accept, as an intelligent person, that you have been conned by a group of people that are so evil and greedy that they helped cause such financial distress that marriages fell apart and people lost everything. It is just as painful to think that you were once part of the group of people that championed this cause and held on to every shred of hope that maybe everything will work out. It is painful to know that not only did you lose your investment but that you may have brought others into this scam and caused them to lose their investment also because you were so brainwashed with supporting "the family" that you would never betray them by selling your positions.

For all of those in this situation I hope you find peace. I have found mine. I have come to terms with what has happened. I absolutely look forward to hearing the results of the SEC investigation and seeing indictments handed out. If it turns out that I have judged anyone overly harsh then I will apologize but remember that just as the family is keeping screen shots of negative posts on Ihub some of us are saving yours also so that all of the people who continue to push the illegal agenda of this company and its promoters can be brought to justice just as well. I have sent information to the SEC also asking them to investigate why individuals, who are not licensed securities professionals, are continuing to give me financial advice and advising me to send personal information to a company that is under SEC investigation. I hope that everyone understands how dangerous it could be to continue to push someone else's agenda.


06/20/11 1:41 PM

#103575 RE: cor11 #103568

The parties behind the NSS (which are PROVEN to exist and all evidence is now in the hands of the SEC and FINRA - let's wait for their decision) tried to kill EIGH by manipulating the PPS down to current levels.

So... What you appear to be saying is: EIGH announced that they had a lot of businesses that were purely speculative at the time that they announced that they had them, and then the ENSSFM ruined their opportunities?

And yet, while you bellyache about people pointing out EIGH's repeated and proven lies, you choose to accept the existence of the ENSSFM based solely on the word and the half-insane Facebook ramblings of the same crooks?

Pass the Kool-Aid!


06/20/11 1:59 PM

#103576 RE: cor11 #103568

Wow, To use the phrase "Lies" is the simplest, best English which can be applied to this pretend company. One can say they didn't lie all one wants but the fact of the matter is that they did LIE on numerous occasions to their benefit and to the detriment of those who believed the LIES.


06/20/11 2:29 PM

#103577 RE: cor11 #103568

So any affirmation that a company is LYING is simply irresponsible.

Total nonsense. A pea brained retarded chimp could see that this company has lied. The company has admitted as much as well. The fact that this company has lied to investors over and over again is not even a matter for debate. It is an accepted fact.

For example, the ill-famed "Southbridge Hotel and Conference Center" acquisition doing "25 million per year in revenues" was carried on their website and in their financial filings with pink sheets for over a year before they confessed that it had never happened. It was a total lie and the center itself was owned by a completely different company than EIGH claimed. (complete with pictures of the Hotel and Conference Center , no less, lolololol)

EIGH is nothing but a two bit fraud. It never had any of the businesses it claimed to have Kelly and Bryant belong in a prison cell with Monk. They are low life con artists.