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06/20/11 11:09 AM

#31597 RE: weeblewobble09 #31596

No, its more likely 500k per location, as initial sales. They will make more on the upkeep, plus new guns and sales scenarios.


06/20/11 3:46 PM

#31599 RE: weeblewobble09 #31596

Very nice news. Ok, lets take the rose-colored glasses off for a second. There is no way GM will outfit all 120 locations with a $1M system.

Reality marketing says that you cannot build a retail business plan around a Firearms Simulator. It just doesn't pay-off. Look at Threat Dynamics. When I was there they had almost as much floorspace dedicated to selling shooting equipment.

GM's plan, IMO, is to use Virtra's systems as a draw to sell their sporting goods. So the $1M price tag and usage fees are most likely a loss leader. Meaning they are unlikely to spend $120M on simulators.

The original plan was 11 academies. Cash cow? No, but a good customer. So I would say $11M is the most we can expect, at least for the coming 2 years until GM crunches the numbers.