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06/12/11 5:48 PM

#14606 RE: leandro213 #14602

I know nothing about apps, but this information is consistent with what a sister (who does know all about apps) has told me...that she thought a price point of $10 (irrelevant what their getting) was the max people would pay for any app. This is all exacerbated in that so many are free. I have no opinion but hope people will be happy to pay $30.


06/12/11 5:56 PM

#14612 RE: leandro213 #14602

Your figures are out to lunch. Dont know where you got this info but it is probably from 2009


06/12/11 5:58 PM

#14613 RE: leandro213 #14602


06/12/11 6:02 PM

#14617 RE: leandro213 #14602

Yes, someone please debunk speculation with more speculation. Common sense one really has a clue what's going to happen here. Of course the naysayers will say "I told you so" and the pumpers will say the same depending on which direction the PPS goes. Do your DD, weigh the risk, and invest accordingly.


06/12/11 8:34 PM

#14651 RE: leandro213 #14602

You are entitled to your opinion regardless of how wrong you are.

I would take the time to show you how wrong, but you aren't here to be open minded, so wheres the point.

Lets just leave it at "your assuming that history is an accurate reflection of the future".

Please don't buy OPMG, going by your own DD, its not worth it.


06/12/11 8:50 PM

#14653 RE: leandro213 #14602

you left out some info and a link

"Being visible in these charts is important for generating more downloads, Distimo explained. Google may have realized this, as it recently made changes to the Web storefront for the Market, where it now displays more local content, plus top "new" and "trending" charts. This may have an impact on future download numbers, but it's too soon to tell."

Like I had said before that the phoneGuard 360 suite is more than an anti-texting while driving app. My daughter who is 11 will be going to Junior High School this fall. I had no intentions of buying a cellphone because I thought that she was too young to have one. But now with the phone locator and panic button I will now have some piece of mind when it comes to her whereabouts and safety. I have been discussing this with many parents and they are all thrilled about the app since their children own cellphones. PDA are given for free with new wireless subscriptions. PDA's aka smartphones is the NOW and will always be forever.


06/12/11 9:15 PM

#14661 RE: leandro213 #14602

This is different. This is an app that parents put on as a device to save their kids life. This is something the puts on his phone to protect his info. This is not a game, this is a life saver. Totally different


06/13/11 12:19 AM

#14692 RE: leandro213 #14602

This is way beyond the world of "apps." Way more then just useful and convenient or for game playing as most apps are. . Many over 18 (all the way through end of college) still live at home and drive the family car. Insurance companies and rental car companies first ask any driver applying for insurance or trying to get a rental car "are you under 25 yrs old?" If you you are, then car insurance is outrageous. There could be big discounts for any one with anti texting software in use. It's also illegal to text as a federal employee in any company vehicle-how is this going to to be enforced? Maybe phoneguard on all gov't issued cell phones? If I was a fleet owner all my employess would be stopped from texting. This app not only saves lives but will save my company millions in liability insurance/potential traffic lawsuits. I can also track my employee' speeds. Does much, much more, and applies to those way over 18yrs old.
My oldest son is 21 and in college (nursing school), myself and my wife are both RNs, he lives at home, works, but drives one of the family cars-my entire family will have this installed on their cell phones (and wear seat belts of course) or move out and get your own car (which will happen eventually so "now" I'm trying to set the example of safety when driving!). This is so much more then just another "app." My wife says "I" need this app and she's right-the voice will "read" any new text to me so I don't have to try to read my phone as I drive.
Didi you see on the news about 8 months ago in New York City-the video of the bus driver who wrecked the bus while texting? Some passenger was video taping him texting and driving. So much more then just an app for teenagers and some caring parents.