it all depends on your share structure- take for example someone that has 5M shares- 3M are long, 1M held for 7 months, and 1M just bought last month. Calculation would be:
3,000,000/4 = 7,500 x 5 = 37,500 new shares
1,000,000/4= 2,500 x 3 = 7,500 new shares
1,000,000/4= 2,500 x 1 = 2,500 new shares
total of 47,500 + the 10,000 minimum = 57,500 shares owned after R/S
5,000,000 / 57,500 = 86.956 or 1 for 87 R/S not 1/400
if all 5M had been longs the split is 1/69
if all 5M were <3 month ownership it would be 1/222
the 10,000 restricted share makes a big difference, but curious as to the restriction requirements