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06/10/11 11:51 AM

#143043 RE: Alex G #143040

Funny! In the past you were committed if you heard voices - now the GOP elevates those who hear voices to candidate status.


06/10/11 12:06 PM

#143047 RE: Alex G #143040

Did God say who was going to win?

Has he talked to Sarah yet? Apparently not!


06/13/11 1:25 PM

#143322 RE: Alex G #143040

Leaked! Herman Cain's New Campaign Video "We are the Real America" is Seeking Actors: Here is the Call for Extras

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I have friends and contacts in places high and low. One of them forwarded me a call for extras from Herman Cain's newest campaign commercial, "We are the Real America." It fits perfectly. I cannot help but to laugh and smile as I read it. Enjoy.

Herman Cain, Republican Party 2012 Presidential Candidate is seeking extras for the shooting of a new campaign video called "We Are the Real America." This project is currently auditioning actors and is being cast in the Atlanta, Georgia area.

The campaign video is being shot by a well-known director who is a notable supporter of Conservative political causes in Hollywood. The 5 minute video is financed by the group Friends of Herman Cain for President in 2012. The campaign film highlights Herman Cain's broad appeal to a diverse group of Americans and how he speaks for the silent majority.

The film is seeking extras for crowd shots, as well as individuals and families for close in profiles. For extras, we are looking for the following:

* Active seniors who convey a sense of happiness and excitement about the future

* Young, clean cut blacks and Latinos

* Soccer moms and their children

* Traditional, middle class Americans from suburban and rural backgrounds. Country music and Christian gospel fans are especially sought after.

If you are located in the Atlanta, Georgia area and would like to be considered for Herman Cain's new campaign video "We are the Real America" please email with the role you are auditioning for in the subject heading.

We are also seeking actors and actresses for the following roles:

1. Patriotic Muslim. She should be a very exciting, captivating and beautiful Muslim-American. An observant Muslim, she will be comfortable wearing a colorful hijab in the film. This actress radiates a love of the United States. Very charming and delicate, she will be shot waving a small American flag at a backyard barbecue while dancing with her American friends.

2. Real American Motorcycle Rider. He is a powerfully built American with long blond hair, tattoos, and a goatee. Always ready for action, he is never far from his Harley Davidson motorcycle. Wearing jeans and a leather vest, he will have his patriotic tattoos prominently featured in Herman Cain's campaign video. If possible, this actor will have an American flag on his biceps that he will flex for a climactic close in shot.

3. Upwardly Mobile Black Professional. He is a slight to small framed African American who wears glasses. With a clean cut look (no dread locks or other ethnic haircut) he is very excited and charmed by Herman Cain's presence. They will likely embrace each other and exchange a high five. He should be athletic because their meeting will occur while playing golf. This actor will wear a relaxed corporate look of khaki jeans, a cell phone on his belt, and a white baseball hat.

4. Multiracial Family. This group of two parents and at least two children should be of different racial backgrounds. Both are professionals and very much in love. An African American and white couple is preferred. An Asian and white couple is also acceptable. The child should be no older than 2 years old (small enough to be placed on their father's shoulder while securely waving an American flag), and have light brown or red hair. Grey, hazel, or blue eyes are preferred.

5. Sikh and Jewish Friends. At least one observant Sikh (turban wearing) and one observant Jewish actor (with yarmulke) or actress are needed. They should be young (no older than 30 years old), very athletic, and fashionable hipsters or otherwise edgy, cool, and tuned into popular culture. Both will be in the campaign video playing either soccer or Hacky Sack among a larger group of Herman Cain supporters while they update their status on Facebook or Twitter by using their Ipods or Ipads.

6. Latinos in Military Uniform. A former veteran or active duty service person is needed. We are especially open to groups of military personnel from Latin or South America who are enthusiastic supporters of Herman Cain. They will be expected to appear in both their dress uniforms and camouflage. Battle ribbons and medals should be prominently displayed. Replica weapons will be furnished to the actors and actresses.

7. Arab American with Dog. One person from the Middle East is needed with his or her dog. Preferably, a yellow Labrador retriever or a lovable mutt who enjoys interacting with others. The dog should be a puppy. If it is exceptionally talented and has prior acting experience, an older animal will also be acceptable.

Please submit photos and resumes by email only.

There are so many 'real' links in here AND they are so FUNNY, I know it's not funny, I so realize the danger I really do, it's just so hard for me to believe that there are people out there who would believe his stuff and think that he is Fit to serve as our president ... tsk tsk..The cristians will be happy, He just might come up with Sarah Palins backing ..we know he'll get becks .... ;)


06/14/11 6:56 PM

#143477 RE: Alex G #143040

Press Release: Office of God (OOG)

God disavows endorsing any GOP candidate for 2012.

The policy is seen in the spirit of the 1st Amdt USA CON.


ps: note .. Cain was specifically told not even to think about legislation
in microfilm, let alone mislead the people with his absurd 3 page con.


06/17/11 5:17 AM

#143861 RE: Alex G #143040

Herman Cain's Story of God's Healing Power

The Brody File

posted on Tuesday, March 22, 2011 3:32 PM

Watch my Brody File interview with him below (along with the transcription) and hear him tell the story about how he God sent him signs along the way that showed him God was right by his side.

It’s a pretty fascinating story.


[video embedded]

David Brody: Where do you stand with Evangelicals?

Herman Cain: I’m a Baptist preacher. A lot of people don’t know that. My parents joined Antioch Baptist Church North in Atlanta in the mid 40s when they moved to Atlanta when I was 2 years old. That was the church I grew up in. That was the church I joined at 10 years of age. I’ve been in the church all my life. When I moved around in my corporate career, I always stayed involved in the church.

So my faith is a big part of who I am and at my church now, which is the same one I grew up in, I’m one of the Associate Ministers there because I was called to the ministry. Sometimes when people are called to the ministry they think that God wants them to give up something else. But God has done some magnificent things with my life, especially what he has done in terms of my health.

Let me share this with you real quick. In 2006, I was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I had cancer in my colon and cancer in my liver. I had to go through chemotherapy. The surgery required removal of 30 percent of my colon and 70 percent of my liver. And then I had to go through some more chemotherapy.

That was nearly five years ago and I only had a 30 percent chance of survival. God said ‘Herman, not yet’.” My question was, 'Lord why are you keeping me here?' Now let me tell you why I know God kept me here. Let me give you why I know God kept me here to do something that I never envisioned.

When I started thinking about running for president, I thought about Noah. Noah didn’t know how to build an ark. I started to think about Moses. Moses resisted going back leading the children out of Egypt. The Bible is full of people. Joshua didn’t want to lead the children into the Promised Land. God spoke to Moses and encouraged Moses, you must talk to our son Joshua, and he did and that gave him the strength.

When I was first detected that I had stage 4 cancer I had to go and get a second opinion. The doctor that was recommended was a doctor in Savannah, Georgia, three hours away from Atlanta. I resisted. I said, 'why do I need to go all the way to Savannah and I live here in Atlanta with all these hospitals and doctors here. I know I have cancer. I know what we need to get done. Let’s get on with the program.'

You know that business mentality. And so the friend of mine said, 'I think you want to go see this doctor. His name is Dr. Lord.' I said, 'What? L-O-R-D?' Yes. He was a colon cancer specialist. Dr. Lord gave me my second opinion.

When I went to MD Anderson Cancer Center and I had to go through orientation with my wife in terms of how to navigate through this big medical facility, we went into the orientation office and the lady that was supposed to give us our orientation, she was busy with some other new patients. So the lady at the counter said to keep you and Mrs. Cain from waiting, I will give you your orientation so you won’t have to wait.

I said, 'Well thank you. How nice I didn’t know they had good customer service at a big medical facility but they do.' So we go into the conference room and she put all the materials down that we were supposed to go through. And she started to tell us about what we needed to do, how I could get my blood work done the night before. I said, 'wait a minute. You’ve been so nice. What is your name?' She said 'Grace'. I said, 'Do you spell it the same way as you spell it in Amazing Grace?' She said, 'yes.'

A lady named Grace. My wife and I looked at each other and I said, 'thank you Lord.' He's with me on this journey. I’m not done yet. I was randomly assigned an oncologist and a surgeon. The surgeon’s name is Dr. Abdullah. He’s from Lebanon. That made me a little nervous initially but only to find out that he’s a Christian. He’s a Christian and when I went in to see Dr. Abdullah. he was explaining to me how he was going to remove a part of my colon and a part of my liver in one operation.

I’m going, ‘Doc you must be a miracle worker. How are you going to do that’? The colon is on the left. The liver is on the right. How are you going to do that with one incision?'

He said, I do it all the time. I'm going to start in your sternum and I'm going to make an incision in the shape of a "J". As in J-E-S-U-S? He said yes. A Jesus cut. I said, 'thank you Lord.' God said 'not yet' and He gave me these signs along the way that let me know that He was with me.

And I firmly believe that God kept me for a reason much bigger than I ever would have dreamed or imagined. Whether that is ultimately to become the President of the United States or not, I don't know. I just know at this point I am following God's plan.

You get two plans in life: yours and God’s. Now mine was to become a successful businessman and I was able to do that. And I believe that God allowed me to become a successful businessman because He had something else in mind beyond that successful business career.

The reason I’m here today and the reason I believe that I’m going to be successful from this point forward. There was a song that a songwriter who was a good friend of mine when he was alive, he wrote a song called ‘God is on my side’. I’ll never forget it.

Brody: These candidates are going to have to deal with Herman Cain.

Cain: They’re going to have to deal with Herman Cain.


© Copyright 2011 The Christian Broadcasting Network [with comments]


04/01/12 8:47 PM

#172487 RE: Alex G #143040

Kansas man struck by lightning hours after buying lottery tickets

By Kevin Murphy

KANSAS CITY, Kansas | Sat Mar 31, 2012 4:36pm EDT

KANSAS CITY, Kansas (Reuters) - A Kansas man was struck by lightning hours after buying three Mega Millions lottery tickets on Thursday, proving in real life the old saying that a gambler is more likely to be struck down from the sky than win the jackpot.

Bill Isles, 48, bought three tickets in the record $656 million lottery Thursday at a Wichita, Kansas grocery store.

On the way to his car, Isles said he commented to a friend: "I've got a better chance of getting struck by lightning" than winning the lottery.

Later at about 9:30 p.m., Isles was standing in the back yard of his Wichita duplex, when he saw a flash and heard a boom -- lightning.

"It threw me to the ground quivering," Isles said in a telephone interview on Saturday. "It kind of scrambled my brain and gave me an irregular heartbeat."

Isles, a volunteer weather spotter for the National Weather Service, had his portable ham radio with him because he was checking the skies for storm activity. He crawled on the ground to get the radio, which had been thrown from his hand.

Isles had been talking to other spotters on the radio and called in about the lightning strike. One of the spotters, a local television station intern, called 911. Isles was taken by ambulance to a hospital and kept overnight for observation.

Isles said doctors wanted to make sure his heartbeat was back to normal. He suffered no burns or other physical effects from the strike, which he said could have been worse because his yard has a power line pole and wires overhead.

"But for the grace of God, I would have been dead," Isles said. "It was not a direct strike."

Isles said he had someone buy him ten more tickets to the Mega Millions lottery on Friday night. While one of the three winning tickets was sold in Kansas, Isles was not a winner.

Officials of the Mega Millions lottery, which had the largest prize in U.S. history, said that the odds of winning lottery were about 176 million to one. Americans have a much higher chance of being struck by lightning, at 775,000 to one over the course of a year, depending on the part of the country and the season, according to the National Weather Service.

Isles, who is out of work after being laid off last June by a furniture store, said he did once win $2,000 in the lottery and will keep playing.

"The next time I will use the radio while sitting in the car," he said.

(Editing by Greg McCune)

Copyright 2012 Thomson Reuters [with comments]