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12/27/02 8:31 PM

#59490 RE: Zeev Hed #59488


The contamination in the reactor core comes from leakage of radioactive gasses (Radon, etc.) produced during fission and also comes to some extent from imperfections in the rods which are sufficient to allow the escape of the medium weight radioactive byproducts. The fact that nuclear reactors have large emission towers gives you the hint that some emissions are taking place. But generally the emissions from a modern boiling water reactor are actually small compared to the emissions from coal fired plants.

The spent fuel rods themselves are highly radioactive with elements such as Strontium 90, etc. In addition, the plutonium itself is exremely poisonous material. If you even get a tiny speck of it on your skin your hair will likel fall out. If you ingest it it will kill you.

It takes a sophisticated reprocessing plant to handle these spent rods and extract the various radioactive and non radioactive residue. Thus it makes sense for Iran to ship these rods to Russia for reprocessing.

It also somewaht puzzling as to whther North Korea has spent the money neccessary on reprocessing facillities. If they don't have these facillities then how can they get the Plutonium???


12/27/02 8:33 PM

#59491 RE: Zeev Hed #59488

Thanks Zeev...I stand corrected. I also seriously doubt we bomb anything however. It would make more sense to lean on the Chinese to give us a diplomatic "helping hand" if possible.

Best Regards


12/27/02 8:35 PM

#59493 RE: Zeev Hed #59488

<<"they maybe somewhat suicidal">> Well,, we should do our best to assist them in the endeavor,,


12/27/02 9:50 PM

#59505 RE: Zeev Hed #59488

I would have to beleive the element plutoium is the most toxic part of any element in the nuclear mix. It not like a am saying Uranium and other decay products are harmless.
I am a little rusty on my biochemistry and radition biology but do beleive the stuff ends up in your bones or lungs and your almost 100% goner from cancer with picogram amounts of plutoium.

Maybe they been told to expect a cruise missle soon and to get the plutoium out now or face the concequences of many deaths in the cleanup effort.

PS I told Captain Jack I almost bought $138 pair of Sketchers dress shoes tonight. I was impressed with the quality for the price.