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12/27/02 3:20 AM

#167 RE: dagnyish #163


I think you are right about 50 million being too few shares to allow for growth of the company at its current rate ... or at an accelerated rate. There are a number of things that would need to happen before I would vote for an increase to 100 or 200 million shares however ... including:

- audited financials
- listing, or at least being in the final stage of being listed
- demonstration that we have a well coordinated and effective management team
- development of a strong BOD with some independent directors in charge of the audit committee
- demonstration of a full disclosure policy in reporting to investors
- demonstration of a shift away from fluff and hype and a commitment to telling it like it is
- some limitation as to the number of new shares that could be used for things other than acquisitions

There may be some more but these are the things that come to mind right now.
