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06/06/11 8:20 PM

#34121 RE: nedreck #34120

Me too


06/06/11 8:40 PM

#34125 RE: nedreck #34120

.01 and .02 around here is just the beginning, that is only a starting point for this stock. ;) I know personally when I mention .01 or .02, that is just step one. I am holding 21-Million+ shares since the .0007-.0013 range, and will not be selling any until this is worth multiple pennies.

For those who havent done enough DD yet, this is not a fly-by-night company. This company is building something very big, and is focusing on building some serious brand recognition and reputation in the in industry.

I LOVE this stock. :)


06/07/11 1:03 AM

#34178 RE: nedreck #34120

NED, we have the ultimate company on the pinks "OTC" right now, we are looking to bring all the plans Mark Leonard has for us together right?

So with all that be known, that our goals are very realistick, we need to get our PPS to a level that will support us to get there, thinking just pennys is not going to do that, we need to get this to new hights .10 - .25 will do just that...

.01 - .02 is fine, however it will not help us open 19 Corporate owned stores, that needs much more $$, we need strong hands to help us make the demands, in order to make that happen and compete with the market we are in.

our goal to make this happen is not 1 to 2 months, its 4 -6 weeks and getting the right amount of pps will not only get us there it will keep it there.

just look at the numbers predicted "buy" the big boys ALG, CAT, DE, and yes F is part of the picture.

the only way we can be a contender is a much higher PPS to give our company the "$$$" we need to make that happen, and .01 to .02 is small change "$" we want / need the big bucks to make it happen.

this particular article posted by ANTHM, earlier today makes a lot of sence ABOUT PENNY STOCK THAT MADE THE GRADE for where we need to be to make this happen now! It works for us and more importantly TYTN, MARK LEONARD who has done it before and will do it again...

go there now and read the article about penny stocks that are worthy of huge increases in PPS...


The fact of the matter is "TYTN" needs huge amounts of capital to make that happen, and with the previous PR they "we" are headed in the right direction...

CHINESE GOVERNMENT, CHINESE STOCK EXCHANGE, 13 LEADING FACTORIES, that can and will meet the demands, who can produce the numbers we need to get there, .01 to .02 is great but .10 -.25 will give us the numbers needed to open those 19 doors and hire employees to run them deliver the product and services needed to keep them driving in the right direction.

Just look back through the posts and you will see that our competition is already getting there and we need to keep up with the pace, bar none we have superior products, 30% better fuel economy 40% lower prices than our competition on comprable models, factories with high capasity that can meet the demand of the sales and production, the list goes on and on!

Lets look back at a company that is listed in penny land called SF*O, they were trading @ .002 back in mid April, and shot up to .085 in just two weeks, with nothing more than a vaporless cig., holy sh*t really? .002 to .085 in two weeks on the anouncement that they have product ready to ship and awating clearance from customs? its a no brainer that we have what it takes to make this GORILLA a GODZILLA.

Yes that really happend all on news that they were about to receive a shipment of smokeless "vaporless" tobaco electric smokes... hmmmm

Now we are entering in to a market that has 10X the potential and 10X more to offer.... imo SF*O is not even worth the paper the stock are printed on.

TYTAN on the other hand has real goals real products and services, A REAL CEO WHO KNOWS WHERE WE ARE GOING, with real props and real BACKING, a CEO WHO has and will do it again through the channels that he did it through before, Mark will do it again.


That will get us off the ground and running with the big boys...

So lets stop talking about mini deals lets get this party started and keep up the MOMO going as long as it takes to get investors who have the money to add the capital we need.


Now with all that said, we need to enter this market and acheive the goals we are about to embark on!!!