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06/06/11 8:48 PM

#328216 RE: gadaymate #328214

By: pj

Post By A Countersignatory To The Global Settleme
« Thread Started Today at 9:01am »

The following was written by a Countersignatory to the Global Settlements:


We have the answers to the questions. Hope you can take a few hours to read …

I think we get the award for longest post ..

Here Goes:
Questions for WH’s _5-15-11

1) What exactly must happen before the GS can be distributed?

ANSWER: There are two (2) required answers – (a) one is a mechanical answer and (b) one is political answer.

(a) This is the short form mechanical answer to the question. First, I would like to give you an analogy, please appreciate all of the time and effort an attorney goes through to close something as simple as a mortgage. If you visualize the time required for one mortgage package, imagine 12 tiers of packages, equaling 50,000 (__/-) international payees. If you grasp the depth of that effort, then the mechanical side will read like this:

The Paymaster receives a call from the United States Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, and other domestic and international agencies in combine, notifying him that the required “closing” documents are in transit, certain “secret” codes are issued for banking security and account purposes. At that point, the Paymaster and his team, are invited to the Bank of Record to accept the (take control of) funding accounts and re-code the account. This officially creates “Economic Receipt”. Economic Receipt basically means the Paymaster has taken control of the accounts and the funds. This action relieves the original sources and the Governing authorities of liability and responsibility.

Once the paymaster receives the transfer instructions and has effectuated Economic Receipt, there are 12 tiers of payments to make. Each of the recipients will go through a similar process for each payee to receive what equates to the stated value or their Economic Receipt.

The mechanics of the transaction have been in place for a year now including the funds. So only the noticing process of the Paymaster is required. When the Paymaster receives the appropriate notice and the parties commence the meeting, it will take approximately two hours to receive Economic Receipt.

Then, the notification process commences again. This time it commences for the 12 tiers of payees and proceeds in a similar manner.

(b) The political answer is getting all of the politicians, the ex-Presidents and their various factions out of the way due to their self interests. We have periodically discussed these issues in our White Hats reports.

2) What is the total $ amount of the GS?

ANSWER: To start, approaching Fifty Trillion ($50,000,000,000,000) USD rounded up. After that, a number of settlements may or may not be part of the original assignment of the Paymaster, as things change on a moment’s notice. Time will tell as to the responsibility levels … depending on the politics, timing and agencies involved with a singular package will determine whether the GS team handles or others. The other aspect that will make a difference will be the people involved and whether that or those paymasters are competent or credentialed adequately for the transaction. If all packages are handled under the umbrella of the Global Settlements the financial number could grow up to upwards of Seventy Five Trillion ($75,000,000,000,000) USD but, at this moment, it does not look like that will happen.

3) Who are the top 10 (or more) recipients (by $ amounts to be received) and the amounts for each? Some are listed on your website but I suspect that there are many more.

ANSWER: We are not at liberty to disclose or discuss the payees, that is strictly confidential and need-to-know information.

4) What will be the benefits to the average person (like me)?

ANSWER: First taxes will be collected on these funds, so money will go into the Department of Treasury coffers for their use.

Second, the funds are “clean, clear and unrestricted” as a term, and acceptable for use as Class “A” dollars. The funds are generally unrestricted and are available for any use except for uses against humanity. For example. weapons, guns, terrorist type activities, drugs, bribes, etc. are definitively no no’s and immediate revocation of the funds along with prosecution.

Third, of the majority of the funds, it is anticipated the funds will be used to invest in infrastructure, capital, and research & development projects, i.e. the High Speed Rail across America. It is anticipated that literally tens of thousands of jobs will be created. Also, these jobs are long term, skilled trade, paying jobs, not McDonalds, KFC and Burger King.

5) What kinds of dollars comprise the GS?


My guess is that they are some kind of certificates that are backed by real assets like gold, silver, oil, etc. Correct?

ANSWER: Incorrect. The cash to pay the Global Settlements is USD backed by metals. These are the only funds available that are backed funds as determined by the Basil I, II and III accords. In short, real deal dollars.

What are the sources of the GS assets? (What is their history?)

ANSWER: The majority of the funds for the Global Settlements proper are “donated” from a Belgium-based Trust, one of the largest trusts in the world. The funds are Metals and other hard asset backed, so the funds are real dollars.

6) You said that after the Iraqi Dinar RV is announced, financial transactions (conversion of cheaply bought dinars back to dollars at the post RV exchange rate) will not occur until you and one other gentleman (Bonner) sign and execute the GS.

ANSWER: At this moment, this is a true and correct statement.

What, if anything else, must happen for us to benefit?

ANSWER: Nothing. If you hold Dinars, make the appropriate plans to cash your Dinars in.

For example, as XL supposes, does the Fed and other corrupt organizations have to be neutralized enough that they cannot intercept it or benefit from it.

ANSWER: Nothing that I am aware of at this point.

What signs should we be looking for?

ANSWER: First, look for me doing the Snoopy dance, and second, I will be giving Hutz a kiss.

Mass arrests? Other?

ANSWER: At this point, there is no reason for this unless additional individuals attempt to compromise any part of the Settlements – then arrests are made. This has already occurred. Any further information is not to be disclosed due to ongoing investigations.

7) It is my understanding that one of the main parts of the work of the WH’s has been to gather evidence of corruption at the highest levels of government and business, both in the U.S. and in other countries. A big frustration of many of us on the blog is that you have not produced any of that evidence (for example, bank statements). My guess is that, at this time, it would be unwise to reveal your evidence to us, or others among the general population. If you did so, you would probably be sued for libel. And it could weaken any court cases. Correct? Is there any evidence you could share at this time?
So… perhaps you could describe to us the kind of evidence that you have gathered without giving exact details.

ANSWER: Part correct and part incorrect. When we assembled the concept of the Global Settlements, it was with the view of attempting to provide a solution to the financial problems of the world at the time. We knew the world economy was in trouble and we had the means and methods to assist the world in the long term corrections necessary.

Along the way, we received some push back. This push back turned into the outright battle virtually overnight. Apparently, we didn’t get the memo stating this is not to get done. If the Global Settlements had simply been allowed to be put in place and settled then the battle would never have occurred but the more the push back occurred, the closer we looked into why. The more why’s that have occurred, the more strange occurrences and unexplained activities. The more unexplained activities, the more research went into it.

The more questions asked, the more people were contacted to ask “favors”. The more favors that were asked, the more conversations needed to occur and the more people that came forward and asked to be on the team. Seems everyone had parts from their own respective areas but was not able to tie it all together. The longer the Cabal chose to fight, the more we dug into their business. The more we dug into their business, the more information we got. It would have been far less costly to let the world have its money than to fight us. Silly boys. It has and will continue to cost them dearly. Pandora’s box has been opened and is alive and well.

At this point, we are in the bowels of virtually every agency known to man on a domestic and international basis. How can that be, you ask? Very easy, although the security of a country is never jeopardized, the Western European Monetary System touches all, therefore, we can touch them. Money … big money … is the single standard that breaches all borders … bar none. When the big boys move assets so as to hide them across borders, to the average player, it’s impossible to track, not so with us. We get to touch everything especially when those countries do not want our problems or the people that bring problems.

So, to the question of “where are we”? We are everywhere. In every agency, in every political structure, in every bank, in every policing agency, in every security agency, in every country, in every religious group, it doesn’t matter what the problem at this point we can search it out and find an answer.

We use to be a group of about twelve and now we are thousands and each of us will die for the cause. The world cannot continue to go on like this and it is up to us … the common folk, the voting folk, the everyday person to move to question the motives of the leaders of our country regardless if it’s the President of the United States or the lowliest of our elected officials in our communities. It’s all the same pot, and besides, little politicians do little dirty deeds, and the little ones turn into big politicians, who do big dirty deeds.

The evidence that we have gathered relates to personal and confidential information as would be expected on docs which have provided the information disclosed in some of our reports. To release copies of these documents may jeopardize future litigation and compromise legal strategies moving forward. We have released documents relating to Tropos, Wanta, Falcone and the infamous birth certificate issue. There is much information that can be gleaned from reviewing these documents, especially the ones in the Wanta file. We urge everyone to review these files thoroughly if you haven’t already done so. They are authentic and provide an interesting look into the corruption that the MSM does not talk about or report on.

Please tell us more about the people against whom you have evidence. For example x members of the Senate, Y Congressmen, z members of the Supreme Court, current and past presidents, current and past high government officials, etc.

Although, we could give you the numbers that you want, we won’t. It is of the utmost importance that the information be held for continued review and prosecutorial purposes in numerous jurisdictions. Even though we have opened Pandora’s box, we have provided the impetus for other people and Agencies to look closely at what we have developed and the depth of it.

Let’s say it’s amazing what man can do. It’s actually sad.

9) I understand that you have presented your evidence to the accused and some others. Who are the others? What are you hoping will happen as results of you having presented your evidence? Committee hearings in Congress? Criminal trials? In what court? Action by some international entities? Which ones? (In a post earlier today, you said the World Court will act. Will any other international entities take action?)

This is a one answer. Each person knows that we are on to them as we ask them questions directly … what do we have to lose? Most of the time we get a polite “F@@@ O@@” but they know. Wouldn’t you want to know if someone, like us, was blowing up you skirt or if it’s just a momentary draft? We don’t care who gets pissed off nor do we pay tribute to anyone who is on the take. They took a job and they knew the terms of payments for their services. Nobody got a contract or was voted into office to strip the system clean with their greed.

With regard to the Court’s and actions based on the evidence. We have presented or finding to the World Court, Interpole, “Europole” and other high level security agencies outside of the United States. Domestically, our findings are all documented and in the possession of the every governmental agency that is dealing independently or jointly on these matters. The F.B.I. and the DOJ are the two most important candidates but they are controlled at the top. Let’s see what happens.

In addition, the 112th Congress has received all of the information starting with the information of the Falcone matter. It has been very interesting to see the comments and the lack of seriousness on these matters. This is why ALL citizens of the United States needs to act in concert with one another to assist in clearing the crooks out of office.

10) How many WH’s are there? I guess there is a very small core group plus many others in all of the 3 letter agencies and elsewhere, including international. Can you give us an approximate figure for the number of players you have on the chessboard? Which US and international agencies they are located?

ANSWER: I will tell you that we are everywhere domestic and international and in places that you would never imagine. We have struggled with the answer to this as we do not wish to disclose in a public forum. There is a larger need to protect the group than provide information to prove something to the members of the blog. Having said that, perhaps you might enjoy this information:

The White Hats’ beginning could read like a Robert Ludlum thriller or a John Le Carre spy novel:

“We selected with care a controlled-access, self-contained safe house in Fulham, Greater London, not overlooked but with a viable backdoor escape route to an unseen inter connecting alleyway in case of emergencies, and with a full visual overview of the wide scanning approach road to monitor any parked observers or perceived threat risks. Our emergency escape vehicle was permanently parked up on the connecting alleyway for a fast exit. The house’s sun blinds allowed us full vision of external areas, but blocked out vision of the interior from prying eyes. To even the most trained observer, it was a quiet, low-profile, unassuming neighborhood. It was the perfect location for a safe house.

The call went out and from the head count, the purpose and need for an immediate “sit down” was well received. The gathering included old soldiers, both civilian and military, always in the background, always keeping the balance and from all over the world. The subject matter was of concern to every person in the room. The meeting could not be further avoided as the image of the future was becoming clear. Enough was enough.

Most of us had been trained under former Administrations and Regimes and were becoming disillusioned and disgusted with what we were witnessing. Every member of the group came with an impressive background, a broad base of knowledge, vast experience and most importantly, intelligence.

We all take oaths, our first oath started with the secret words to gain access to the neighborhood tree fort and graduated to a Code of Honor … a Code of Honor we live and die for. One of the Codes we have internalized is called Democracy, like the ones the American Forefathers lost much for but gave a new world hope from Tyranny, which created the greatest most gracious country in the world.”

Something had been growing for years, like a cancer you can inherently feel but you cannot see. Those of us who served the elite did not notice the deterioration as quickly as the others, but on this day we were all on the same page. We all knew a death was about to occur, it was not contract kill, this was far, far different. This was more sinister. It was a move by an extremely small group of former and current elected leaders, special groups and the “elite” attempting to subvert the checks and balances established and enumerated clearly by our Constitution.

How could that be? It would make the former “good guys”, the utmost of satanic villains, the real turncoats against democracy and life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness. What methods would we employ to expose the darkness that we unknowingly helped create through our faithful and dedicated service to our respective countries?

Today, we would sign an Oath. An Oath that put us in line with our destiny, an Oath that would hopefully save the Constitution of the United States of America and the Declaration of Independence. This Oath would affect the very core of each country in the world (as the United States is one of) the last bastions of freedom on earth.

On this day, out of the backdrop of darkness, we took another Oath to expose the cancer of our former bosses and the elite. On this day, we all prayed to our respective God, and … the White Hats were born.

May we live to see this through to the end.”

11) You said earlier that once roadblocks have been removed, just two signatures are needed to get the GS rolling, yours and that of the paymaster, Bonner who actually moves the financial assets. I’ve been wondering how you and Bonner got to be in those positions. Can you share that with us? Also, how you were able to assemble such a large team? When did you start? How long did it take?

ANSWER: Actually, the order is the Paymaster, then the counter signatory. We knew each other years ago on another large assignment. We had a mutual respect for each other. We each knew we would cover each other’s back … we shook hands … that’s another Code!

12) Please tell us which high level members of TPTB you have personally met on this project. What were those meetings like? What sort of language was used (by you and them)? Was it like the language used in polite cocktail parties, or more like when a mafia thug is collecting a debt?

ANSWER: Everyone except Obama and Biden but we didn’t need to … they heard.

Extra credt? Were you and Pal working with hopesprings as disinfo agents? What relationship, if any did you have with hopesprings?

ANSWER #1: We both met Hopesprings here on the blog at different times. Neither one of us knew her before. We miss her and her contributions."
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06/14/11 3:16 PM

#328383 RE: gadaymate #328214

Author Topic: Incredible stories (Read 336 times) cmkm2008

member is offline Ivory

Joined: Mar 2008
Gender: Male/Female = Multiple Alias Whiner & Pumper 24/7
Posts: 513
Re: Incredible stories
« Result #10 on May 5, 2011, 12:44pm »

no wonder I got 6 TOS reports this morning from a bunch of skunks on RB.

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06/15/11 11:25 AM

#328387 RE: gadaymate #328214

16 Dec 2010, 07:57 PM EST
Rating: Msg. 978631 of 1022750

Jump to msg. #
++ The ONLY Legitimate FACTS 2 Date With LINKS....

{1} SCAM cmkx Is Revoked, NOT Trading

{2} Multiple Indictments

{3} There Is NO $$$$$, or Amount Yet Designated 4 the SCAMMED FACT

Ps. It's Ok 2 Dream uP Fantasies, Conspiracies, Rumors & Lies..

Whatever Floats Your dinghy.. Because After 6,8, 10 years

Thats all u Have & Will Ever HAVE....

SCAM cmkx has Finally SlaPPed Most 98% Back 2 REALITY of

Their TOTAL LOSS... Just The Very SICK & TWISTED r Left.. FACT

~~ Nothings Changed ~~
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07/14/11 1:04 PM

#328810 RE: gadaymate #328214

$ Granny's Kitchen~Todays Special~CMKX/CMKM $ :: General :: General Board :: CMKM needs Nora's magic batik

Author Topic: CMKM needs Nora's magic batik (Read 77 times)
cmkm2008 == 100+ Alias's ivory, aladin99, Mookmook,

member is off it's rocker

Joined: Mar 2008
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Posts: 516
CMKM needs Nora's magic batik
« Thread Started Yesterday at 1:01pm »

woman from Terengganu, Malaysia claims to have had 200 boyfriends over a span of five years, thanks to a piece of batik cloth that was her lucky charm.

The cloth was given to her by a bomoh (healer) and bears a design of two snakes mating on it.

According to the Harian Metro, Nora, 50, claimed that the cloth, worked "like a charm" in getting the men.

Nora, who has 10 grandchildren, claimed that men - be they young or old, single or married - were attracted to her, but stressed that she never had sex with any of them.

"It was never about sex. I just wanted someone to chat with and go out for drinks when I am bored," she said, adding that her first "conquest" was when she was a divorcee in 2003.

Nora has since remarried to a man 10 years her junior.
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