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06/04/11 8:33 PM

#712 RE: Willy #711

they are harvesting at the bottom instead of the top which may account for a greater concentration of the effusion and better results

I am glad you are finding relief with the night time frequency of urination. Enlarged prostates are the cause most of the time of frequency. Two types of drugs are used for this condition: Flomax which is an alpha-blocker that relaxes the muscles in the prostate and bladder, and Finesteride or Avodart which block the production of a natural substance that enlarges the prostate.

I think that Paz has a unique anti-inflammatory effect, and that may account for the relief it is giving you.

The consistent benefits in different ways that Pax provides people is very encouraging to me. When something does good like that sooner or later the world will beat a path to its door.