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06/04/11 3:31 PM

#6755 RE: xyz1002 #6754

Talonss- I was responding to your public msg, didn't even see your PM until now and have not read it yet. I would not respond toa PM in a public place. Whatever I said was simply my assesment and has nothing to do what you said. If no CD conversion we would be at $1 by now.

I have bought in at as high as $0.099 and have plenty of shares and only got sold out 20,000 shares yesterday (four 5000 lots) as I was testing what the hell was going on. I don't like to say in public how much I own but suffice to say at one time I thought if I was going above the 5% ownership mark to report to SEC. I know I am not.

That being said, this is an interesting deal that I have come across. I have never invested this kind of money in a penny stock. The only reason I did so was becuase I thought that it is a VC investment not an hedge fund.

I am still very optimistic, as I was before except this little creature that is converting is causing a little problem in the short term. It is not like they have $10M worth of CD's to be converted. To beginwith the OS was really tiny at 20M.

I still feel comfortable giving it a $50M-$100M market cap right now as-is. I am holding for few months at the least.

I feel better knowing everything in black and white. I don't like when the OS is unknown but here we know it can't be huge. may be 30-50M at the most.

If you notice the volume, the guy who is converting is converting few shares a day. Remember the actual volume is approx. half that of what we see as the OTC/NADAQ/Pinksheet has double order entry book.

I expect this to make big as in huge move anyday the CD holders stop selling.

$1 will come may not be in 30 days (may be who knows).
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06/04/11 5:45 PM

#6758 RE: xyz1002 #6754

x, I told you that the CEO relayed to me that he was going to buy out the new CD (the one Bankshot referred to in this post):

Yes, there was another CD conversion, but it was done at a time when the company was short on cash (what part of this can't people comprehend?). The CEO stated that he was and I quote a "friendly convert" and was limited in how much he could convert. I don't think it's the CD holder doing the shorting here or why refer to him as a "friendly convert", but I don't know for sure (for that matter, none of us do). I also have to think with all the recent volume the past few weeks, that the CD convert has offloaded a good size and has been offloading for some time prior to this run (he didn't just come on the scene 2 weeks ago).

Even with this CD conversion, I don't think that many shares could or would be added to the float (it's 1 CD, not 2). Even if the O/S increases to 50 Million (I think we're still below this mark, but lets use 50 for argument's a nice round figure), we still have a miniscule O/S. You stated "I guess my prediction would have been correct for the pps move to $1, without the conversion." Seriously, this statement has me somewhat perplexed as it contradicts your prior statements on this board.Your long rendering post calling for $5-$20 has this pertinent quote "Their first goal is to take it to $200-$500M market cap to be able to talk big".

Lets not forget your post calling for a $1 dollar in 30 days and $4 in 90 days:

However, it's all about the market cap and you've been calling for a 200-500 million market cap and that was for starters! Again using an O/S of 50 million, a 200 million market cap gives us a price of $2. Why the flip flopping and glaring contradiction unless you think the CD is converting 100's of millions shares, which we know is not the case here.I also think that a good portion of that CD has already been converted (will try to confirm this with the CEO).

I reiterate, it's all about the market cap and the CEO belabored that point to me when we spoke on the phone. Thus, his decision to buy out the other CD (doesn't want those shares increasing the O/S).I pointedly asked him about dilution (with the recent price action, it was foremost on my mind)and he shut me down immediately. He stated that he wants to increase the market cap and emphatically stated that a lower O/S facilitates the process. He said, himself, the CIO and Fanning all want to keep a cap on the O/S. I shared with you via PM why and the savvy ones here can figure out the reason as well. I may elaborate more on that later.

X, posting contradictory messages doesn't help the board. I could see if you said "With the CD in play I may have to prolong the time lines of $1 in 90 days and $4 in 90 days".BTW I never like price prognostications with such tight timelines (they have a pump element that inevitably leads to disappointment).Your statement "I guess my prediction would have been correct for the pps move to $1, without the conversion." is a glaring contradiction in light of your prior statement calling for a 200-500million market cap. You're also in this same camp as me thinking the O/S is still below the 50 million mark as is evident in this post you made today:"I don't like when the OS is unknown but here we know it can't be huge. may be 30-50M at the most."

I've done a lot of leg work here to wade through all the murkiness via my phone calls to the CEO. I confirmed that he along with Fanning wants to keep the O/S low, hence his decision to buy out the other CD. He shared his reasoning for why he's doing this (what we all wanted to hear)and anyone with an ounce of saviness can read between the lines.I will perhaps elaborate on that at some other point, but maybe it's best to let the CEO PR any developments in that area.At any rate, contradictory postings don't help the cause, but an honest discussion is always welcome.

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06/04/11 7:20 PM

#6764 RE: xyz1002 #6754

One thing I think I can say for sure, is that the May 16th news came out of left field on the MM's!

They prob knew about the CD shares entering and were shorting, and may have cut a deal with the CD holder to get the shares to cover!???

But once that May16th news hit, the Ball game changed, and I think the MM's were not happy @ all, seeing the possiblity of the pps running away from them!

So the action now, in hind sight, is looking to me like damage control by the MM's! and they do have forces in their favor, i.e. flippers, panic sellers, Lull in buying ( Ask pressure down ) due to bid pressure Up, and some real shares still being infused!

The actual short volume I bet is Significant, in % relation to the current O/S, even @ O/s of 50 mill! And what the real short volume Is?!, is prob somewhere inbtwn what the CEO speculated upon, and 0!!

MM's better know, IF they are counting on shares from CD holder?? to cover, that they just made not be there!!

We'll see if the Note buybacks get ramped Up or not!

But no matter how one cuts this Up, the burn rate is coming to an End, and the tide is turning, and the trend I'm betting still is @ least 5 floors North of where the pps stand now shorter term!!

but jmHo

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06/06/11 2:02 PM

#6878 RE: xyz1002 #6754

So XYZ, you are saying these prices are dirt cheap and bargain basement shares?

I'm not holding you to this atatement, because everything is IMO.
Take care an enjoy your posts.

btw- I don't buy the short theory because I have worked for 4years in Wallstreet and I know how and why short works. If the CEO is right about the 20M short- all that it means is the CD holder has given a blanket trade to a brokerage house to short so that he can give them the share to cover. Don't expect any squeeze. Until the convesion is all taken care, the pps is sadly in trouble. Once all the convesrion is taken care this will move big..IMO.