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05/26/11 10:15 PM

#44448 RE: davidam #44446

its all well and good that the longs here are content that perhaps...maybe...eventually the sp will rise. But thats NOT what the company needs right now. The company NEEDS a higher sp so it can leverage to do deals and acqusitions. The longer this sits at a penny the more a. That wont happen...and b. Our shares get diluted. Ill say it again...for the millionth time....STOP being happy the price is in the is a major detriment to this companys can no one but me understand this?
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05/26/11 10:45 PM

#44450 RE: davidam #44446

I believe they have to keep it a secret.

If you look at everybody else (google, apple, et al) trying to figure out the future, RTGV beats them all. The were way ahead of the curve a year ago and the major players are all playing catch up. Problem is they still have not figured out the future of allowing artists to manage themselves. Reference my past posts on how this management identified the niche when google and others had no clue.


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05/27/11 12:42 AM

#44462 RE: davidam #44446

That's a very interesting point davidam...

Regarding the disruptive technology, I totally agree that many people don't understand the details of how it works, which can lead to not grasping the true potential.

However, I do like that the company is keeping the guts of the tech a secret so far. That could prove to be a great benefit in the long run. Gives them a sufficient head start on development, and launching/hitting the market before others have a chance to catch up.

I was wondering about intellectual property, and how others might try to duplicate what RTGV is doing.

This may be what the CEO alluded to in his recent blog:

"The key is that companies that disrupt have speed on their side not because the amount of time it takes them to develop, but the amount of time it takes everyone else to catch up."