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05/26/11 7:47 PM

#29918 RE: thrasherjr #29907

I think it is big.

Imagine if we capture 10% of this market (remembering, of course that we have the best product in the marketplace, so this is LOWBALL) this is still about 15 billion dollars.

Now for argument sake, imagine that we get, say a 20% royalty as there are other patents involved.

We are still talking about 3 billion dollars.

I Know this is speculation, but all investing is speculation. you are presented with a grouping of facts and you must determine if the facts paint a picture worthy of investment.

Here are the facts leading me to my conclusions. Feel free to argue with or contribute to the conclusions I am drawing from these facts. It is my feeling that this is what these boards are about.

Fact 1.

Mark went to China last week.

Fact 2.

Mark had a 6 day factory tour scheduled with Gary Lynch of Weir and Harrod.

Fact 3.

Gary Lynch is the director (CEO) of Weir and Harrod of Australia

Fact 4.

Weir and Harrod are primarily involved in the business of liquid packaging, bottling and such. They design machines to handle many products, but liquid handling machinery for bottling and processing constitutes a significant portion of their business. (See Weir and Harrod Website)

Fact 5.

Mark and Gary decided to enter a tractor distributorship agreement somewhere along the trip in China. (Implying that this was not the primary business they had embarked upon). SEE PR for reference.

Fact 6.

Mark toured 13 Factories in China With Gary Lynch.

Fact 7.

The most recent PR suggests that one (SINGULAR __ ONE) of these factories is the new tractor factory.

Fact 8.

Gary Lynch has been trading in China for quite a number of years. (see video)

Fact 9.

Tytan owns one of the patents used in Fused Armor

Fact 10.

The market for Fused Armor is enormous. Corrosion prevention alone in the USA represents approximately $500 billion USD annually. It is estimated that the total of worldwide applications which can be addressed by Fused Armor technology represent approximately $1.5 trillion annually.

These are preliminary facts. All investing is speculation based upon the best facts you can find and trying to determine what might happen next.

Questions/Speculation that these facts raise for me.

1.) Why were Gary and Mark traveling in China in the first place?

My possible answers -- feel free to contribute your own , I am not trying to shove speculation down you throat, only trying to make reasoned arguments. Also, I would appreciate anyone elses input as I am trying to make a clear picture of the current business that is Tytan. Remember, as Steve said, it was 3-4 months ago that Mark said you would not be able to recognize the tytan business by the end of the year.

a.) Gary Lynch wants to use fused armor on his own machinery.
Counter argument question is this. How did he know about fused armor in the first place and why would he, the ceo of W&H need to tour 13 factories over 6 days in order to do this?

b.) Gary lynch is designing machines which are capable of spray application of fused armor for Tytan possibly for distribution (geographically widespread application, machines in many places)

c.) Gary lynch is designing machines which will be used in at least 13 Chinese factories in order to apply the fused armor coating and they are doing quality control on existing machines or still in the design phase.

d.) Gary lynch is providing liquid packaging capability to tytan.

2.) Why would Mark have actively sought out Gary lynch in the first place?

My possible answers:

a.) Gary lynch is a known entity in China and can provide Mark with the capability to apply a coating that has a potential application market of 1.5 TRILLION dollars.

I am sure there are more possible answers please contribute if my thoughts are at all of any interest to you.

3.) Why is the tractor business so secretive if tytan is not engaging itself extensively in the coatings business?

4.) Why is a Pinksheet CEO withholding so much potentially good news if he is not in posession of a product that is the real deal? (isn't this what you do when you know you know something that nobody else does and you are about to take the WORLD by storm) (Conversely is this not precisely what you do not do when you have a product that is crap and you are trying to sell it)

OK, Your turn.

May not be able to respond for a while, have a baseball practice to attend,

I sincerely will appreciate any feedback because I need voices of reason to debunk my current thought process.