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05/24/11 7:59 PM

#140963 RE: StephanieVanbryce #140962

And niether is Obama. He didn't
even acknowlege it until a foreign leader beat him to it! Where is Obama anyway?


05/24/11 8:10 PM

#140964 RE: StephanieVanbryce #140962

No mistaking where any of them stand.

On the other hand, it's ok. The good folks of Missouri are opposed to gummint innerference in their bizness anyway, right? Long's they got their God, guts 'n guns, they'll be fine.

Vote Tea Party. That'll show 'em.


05/24/11 8:31 PM

#140969 RE: StephanieVanbryce #140962

GOP to Hungry Americans: You Can Starve

Hunger and starvation is no excuse to welch off the Federal Government.

That's the Republican response, in any event, to how to deal with the budget deficit. While Republicans defend billions of dollars in subsidies for Big Oil and propose further tax cuts for the wealthy, they see food aid for hungry people here and around the world as a bad idea. Bug Guvmint should get out of the business of keeping people from starving. Now isn't that special:

WASHINGTON -- House Republicans are targeting domestic nutrition programs and international food assistance as they try to control spending in next year's budget. Read more