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05/24/11 8:26 PM

#140966 RE: sortagreen #140964

The hate is very real.

Tue May 24, 2011 at 10:44 AM PDT

I forced myself to watch parts of Netanyahu's speech to both houses of Congress, despite the fact that I get easily wound up on the issue of Israel & Palestine. But this diary isn't to talk about the issue. No comparing what Netanyahu wants with what the President wants with what the Palestinians want.

I want to talk about what it means when the Prime Minister of Israel is receiving more gracious (hell, borderline obsequious) bipartisan applause than when President Obama has addressed both houses of Congress. And I'm not basing this on "a count" of the ovations so much as I am the general atmosphere: it was rapturous, near-unanimous approval for Bibi.

And then it hit me: Republicans hate Obama so much that they view an Israeli Prime Minister with more legitimacy than their own President. Hate. What I sensed in that glaring disparity between both of their addresses is an undercurrent of genuine hate. And while I've acknowledged the existence of this hatred in the past, I didn't really appreciate the extent of it until now.

What does it say about our opposition when they view Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel with more legitimacy than our own President? Google Real Time will give you a preview of some sentiments. [,or.r_gc.r_pw.&cad=h ]

Benjamin Netanyahu believes in our American principles and ideals a hell of a lot more than President Obama does.

Bibi's got talent, a new reality show destined to humiliate Obama!

Bibi just sent Obama back to Harvard for a history lesson! with a DUNCE hat! True that!

Today, Netanyahu showed America what a Statesman is. Too bad Obama was off apologizing. He missed a free lesson

Last week Netanyahu kicked Obama's ass in his own house. Today, he came back & beat him again, in front of his friends.

For the 2nd time in a few days Netanyahu just made Obama look like an ignorant amateur. Wishing Bibi were my President.

Quite stunning: Netanyahu taking on Obama's ludicrous words, as Obama is playing ping pong. Who did you elect, America?

I think Bibi is just about done erasing Obama's stupid State Department speech. Hope Obama sends him a thank you card.

......I'm saying this ..what a bunch of netanyahu's bitches these teabags are ..they just love bending over
for bibi .. they even brought their own vaseline with em! ..

Benjamin Netanyahu's birth certificate carries more weight in the halls of Congress than Obama's, apparently.

But furthermore, what does it say about our culture when Republicans will applaud the United States looking out for Israel's interests, but remain quiet when Obama talks about ensuring people have access to affordable health care?

Why the fuck can't Republicans get this worked up about a jobs bill that would have put Americans back to work?

What does it say when Republicans love Israel's government to death but say our government is the source of our ills (and they're eager enough to demonstrate that when in power)?

These people will oppose Obama's agenda no matter what it is and no matter who it may benefit. These people will sycophantically cheer on foreign leaders over their own President. Why?

Hate. Hate. Hate.

They hate you, Mr. Obama. They unabashedly hate you. The state of our politics is so bad that our opposition's ideological strategies and positions are largely shaped by this hate.

It utterly disgusts me to know that a party so motivated by hate holds one house in one branch of our government. In 2012, I will do everything I can to ensure that our government is not ensnared by these vessels of racialized hate. Republicans need to be put into political exile. Period.