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05/24/11 6:10 PM

#22463 RE: casprd #22461

Maybe it was.....

I know that Ron is heavily invested in this stock, and I have seen him post something similar a while back, so I was asking more for clarification from Ron, than anything else. Assuming you are not Ron under a different user name I will presume you are guessing that is what he was expressing.

To be honest all the praise I keep seeing for Dustin and the way this stock keeps tanking, when I see someone saying something like that I don't automatically assume they are being sarcastic.

Especially since I really don't know anyone here except from a few posts on this forum.... I don't know about you but I tend to take posts at face value and not read into them what I think is there, or what I want to be there.

So you maybe right, I just don't know for sure, that, that was his intent.