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05/12/05 10:40 PM

#107178 RE: JimLur #107165

Delete did not wait long enough


05/12/05 10:43 PM

#107180 RE: JimLur #107165

DaveDavis & JumLur, Thanks for the court filings. Seems like IDCC has responded well to every SILLY allegation that NOK has made and also tried to portray the actual intent of NOK's lawsuit. I will eagerly wait for our legal eagles comments. Could this be a normal response to keep the dates and case alive while something is going on behind the scenes? We don't have to wait long to find out.

Good luck all.



05/12/05 10:46 PM

#107181 RE: JimLur #107165


I'm no lawyer, but that reply brief surely articulated some of the common sense shortcomings about Nokia's recent lawsuit that just weren't quite right to begin with. I hope the judge sees it the same way that I do, and tosses'em outta there.

How do ya think you can pick a fight over just a few patents, then claim it applies to all the rest? The whole suit seems ridiculous, and some excellent points were made highlighting who the shark in the water really is.


05/13/05 12:02 AM

#107192 RE: JimLur #107165

I'm not a lawyer, but I think IDCC "kicked butt" in their reply to NOK's brief in the Delaware suit. They really made NOK look foolish in their arguments, and in their obvious "scorched earth" attack on IDCC.

Way to go, F&J!